
tsugaru n.津輕海峽〔日本北海道與本州島之間〕 (= Tsuga...


Like heartbeats , drumbeats are the very pulse of life . using a variety of traditional japanese percussion and string instruments , yamato celebrate the beauty of life . from thunderous roars of the o - daiko to willowy wails of the tsugaru shamisen , their music is bound to touch the very core of your soul and stir the many emotions inside your heart . so fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride around this rhythmic soundscape 《魂》由多個樂章組成,每一環節均充分展現日本傳統敲擊樂和弦樂的迷人樂韻由津輕三味線活現四季大地之聲,以至御太鼓重現古時日本人對朝陽的頌贊,和太鼓倭的演出必定能令你拋卻城市的塵囂,沉醉于澎湃激昂的氛圍當中。

The wide windows of this bath face the open sea and overlook the dramatic landscape of the tsugaru straits and mt . hakodate in daytime , and nearby squid - fishing lamps at night 在可以展望大海的落地窗的展望溫泉里,白天您可以眺望津輕海峽和函館山的爽快的風景,夜晚您可以俯瞰附近點點漁火燈光

The open - air bath on the rooftop affords fine views of mt . hakodate , hakodate airport and the tsugaru straights 從樓頂的露天溫泉及大浴池您不僅可以眺望津輕海峽,還可以俯視函館山及函館機場