
truculent adj.殘暴的,兇惡的,蠻橫無理的,囂張的。


Gerald was likeable , and the neighbours learned in time what the children , negroes and dogs discovered at first sight , that a kind heart , a ready and sympathetic ear and an open pocket - book lurked just behind his bawling voice and his truculent manner 杰拉爾德很討人喜歡,孩子們,黑奴們,狗們第一眼看見他時就發現了,鄰居們也及時了解到,在他那大叫大喊的聲音和粗野的舉止后面藏著一顆善良的心,一雙隨時準備表示同情的耳朵和一個暢開的錢袋。

Grave gladstone sees him level bloom for bloom . he passes , struck by the stare of truculent wellington but in the con vex mirror grin unstruck the bonham eyes and fatchuck cheekchops of jollypoldy the rixdix doldy . at antonio babaiotti s door bloom halts , sweated under the bright arclamps 驃悍的威靈頓瞪著雙目,嚇得他趕緊走過去,然而映在凸面鏡里那小豬眼睛肥下巴胖臉蛋兒快快活活的波爾迪,逗樂的笨蛋,笑嘻嘻的,卻絲毫也沒讓他受驚。

Martin came back and looked at the beady eyes , sneering , truculent , cowardly , and there leaped into his vision , as on a screen , the same eyes when their owner was making a sale in the store below - subservient eyes , smug , and oily , and flattering 馬丁回過神來,看見了那對含譏帶諷專橫卻又怯懦的小眼睛。另一對眼睛像在銀幕上一樣映入了他的眼簾:希金波坦在樓下商店里做生意時的眼睛:討好吹噓油滑奉承。

China is a rising power , but also an increasingly truculent state on territorial or maritime disputes with its neighbours , unable to rise above narrow considerations 中國是一個崛起中的大國,但在與周邊國家的領土或海上糾紛上,它也是一個越來越兇猛好戰的國家,無法超越狹隘的考慮。

Bitter and truculent when excited , i spoke as i felt , without reserve or softening 心里一激動,說話便尖酸刻薄,但我怎么感覺就怎么說,毫不保留,語氣也不婉轉。

- man , howyou get that way ? - cassius , nowyou ' re being truculent -你怎么變成這樣子了? -凱修斯,你現在真的是兇猛好戰

Man , howyou get that way ? - cassius , nowyou ' re being truculent 你怎么變成這樣子了? - ?修斯,你現在真的是兇猛好戰

You asked me the last time , was i truculent 上次你問我我是不是兇猛好戰?

I remember her bringing me up to a truculent and red-faced old gentleman covered all over with orders and ribbons . 我記得她曾帶我去見一個面目猙獰的紅臉老紳士,身上掛滿了勛章和綬帶。

His demagogues, who bear names like aaron blue-skin, are as meanly truculent as cooper's anti-renters . 他筆下那些煽風點火的政客,諸如藍皮艾倫之流,卑鄙殘忍不下于庫珀的抗租者。

The policeman caught something in the tone and looked over with truculent eyes . 那個警察也聽出他聲調里有問題,于是用嚴厲的目光向這邊看。

Gallagher was truculent as though he knew he were going to be beaten . 加拉赫似乎自知敗局已定,開口就沒好氣。

It was his usual aspect, and a truculent one . 這是他慣常的模樣,是一種好斗的表情。

He was in no truculent state of mind now . 這會兒他心腸一點也不狠毒了。