trow vi.,vt.〔古語〕想;〔附在疑問句后用〕不知道…。 ...
vi.,vt. 〔古語〕想;〔附在疑問句后用〕不知道…。 What ails him, (I) trow 不知道他什么不舒服? “trowal“ 中文翻譯: 高空暖槽“trovoda“ 中文翻譯: 特羅沃達“trowalisieren tumbling“ 中文翻譯: 特魯瓦爾滾桶拋光“trovoada“ 中文翻譯: 特羅瓦達“trowbridge“ 中文翻譯: 特羅布里奇; 特洛布里治“trovo“ 中文翻譯: 特羅沃“trowe“ 中文翻譯: 特羅韋“trovisqueira“ 中文翻譯: 特羅維斯凱拉“trowel“ 中文翻譯: n. (泥水匠等的)泥刀,泥鏟兒,抹子;【園藝】移植手鏟。 lay it on with a trowel 用泥鏟兒涂抹;大事渲染;竭力阿諛。 vt. 用泥鏟兒涂抹。 “troviscal“ 中文翻譯: 特羅維什卡爾
trowel |
With extensive reference to relevant literature , this article points out that trow ' s theory on mass higher education is merely some reflection on the periodization of the development of higher education , not a framework of theories on the management of higher learning institutes and that higher learning institutes constitute only part of the higher education system 本文還在大量閱讀有關文獻資料的基礎上提出,特羅關于高等教育大眾化的理論是源于對高等教育發展歷史進程的階段性思考,不是關于大學辦學思想的理論總結,大學只是高等教育體系中的一個子系統,大眾化理論不能直接用于指導大學的辦學實踐。 |
It has helped to promote the enrollment of students and raise potential requirements on the reform of the management system . it also helps to foresee the possible changes just before and after the popularization of higher education and request the university adapt to the demand of the new situation , aiming at setting new goals , preserving positive traditions and creating good external and internal environment . based on the attempts at analyses of the impacts of trow ' s theory on the management of universities in some countries and china , this article makes its own proposals in the development of higher education in china 高等教育大眾化理論對中國大學辦學肯定會產生并且也實際的產生了一定的影響,如促進了大規模招生,使大學在校生人數不斷增加,對大學管理體制改革提出了潛在的要求,指出了大眾化前后大學辦學可能發生的變化,要求大學從樹立新的培養目標、堅持自己的辦學特色、積極努力的創造優良的內外部環境廖碩士學位論文人,入只’ i ’ e只’ s ‘ l ’ 11工三界i卜等方面著手,努力適應高等教育大眾化新形勢的要求。 |
Martin trow is one of the most influential educators of the 20th century who ever wrote the great number of books on higher education massification . owing to his impressive studying in columbia university , owing to his investigation on the higher education in the graduate school of public policy at the university of california , berkeley 馬丁?特羅( martintrow1926 )是美國當代著名的教育社會學家,他幾乎將全部的心血傾注于世界高等教育大眾化理論的研究,為世界高等教育理論做出了非凡的貢獻。 |
Based on an investigation in a few higher learning institutes in hubei province and some exchanges of ideas with the colleagues of the shanghai educational committee and several shanghai colleges and universities , this article has summed up the following problems coming up as china embarks on the road of the popularization of higher education . first , mechanical application of trow ' s theory ; second , blind pursuit of popularization disregarding the actual conditions ; third , universal opening regardless of the level and type of the school ; fourth , undue emphasis on the quantity of student enrollment ; fifth , isolated initiatives by individual schools 本文通過對湖北省內的幾所高校進行直接或間接的了解,并利用工作機會到上海市,與上海市教育工委和幾所兄弟高校進行交流,認為高等教育大眾化過程中中國大學辦學存在著以下幾個方面的問題:套用高等教育大眾化理論,大學追求大眾化;不依據實際條件,大學盲目追求大眾化;不分層次,不分類別,所所大學開放化;片面追求量的大眾化;孤立的追求大眾化。 |
The first chapter , entitled “ the beginning of martin trow ' s theory of higher education massification “ is divided into four sections , martin trow ' s biographical notes , the historical background of martin trow ' s theory of higher education massification , introduces and comments on martin trow ' s “ three stage theory “ and “ model theory “ 20世紀70年代,特羅以高等教育毛入學率為指標,探討數量增長與性質變化間的關系,將高等教育發展的歷史分為“精英、大眾和普及”三個階段,構成了特羅高等教育階段論。他將學者們對高等教育大眾化的態度分為四種模式,形成了高等教育模式論。 |
The third chapter , entitled “ the improvment of martin trow ' s theory of higher education massification “ is divided into two sections , “ the learning society “ is the purpose of higher education and the new information and communication technologies can do a lot of work for it 通過補償性計劃和非學術標準實現高等教育機會均等。 20世紀90年代后,馬丁?特羅教授日益關注新信息和通訊技術( thenewinformationandcommunicationtechnologies簡稱ict )對高等教育的影響。 |
The second chapter , entitled “ the development of martin trow ' s theory of higher education massification “ is divided into three sections , martin trow offer criticism to britain ' s higher education , martin trow praised american higher education and martin trow “ s main view of higher education massification 20世紀80年代是馬丁?特羅高等教育大眾化理論的發展階段,他力圖通過對二戰后至20世紀70年代英國高等教育的批評,和對同期美國高等教育的贊揚,闡述其獨特的高等教育大眾化觀念。 |
The fourth chapter , entitled “ the magnificent contribution of martin trow ' s theory of higher education massification “ . the dissertation gives a full exposition of martin trow “ chief views of higher education massification , and the significance of his views in regard to the improvement of current higher education in our country 本文試圖在充分占有史料的基礎上,以歷史唯物主義和辨證唯物主義為指導,對馬丁?特羅高等教育大眾化理論進行較為全面、系統地分析和研究,以便為我國高等教育的改革與發展提供借鑒。 |
But there has been some misunderstanding on trow ' s theory during its spreading , thus causing several problems when guiding the popularization of higher education in china 但是特羅的高等教育大眾化理論在中國傳播的過程中存在著理解上的偏差,在指導中國高等教育大眾化的實踐中存在一些問題。 |
While martin trow ' s ( 馬 丁 . 特 羅 , 1926 - ) theory of mass higher education spreads widely in our country , the development of chinese higher education is in full swing 馬丁?特羅( martintrow , 1926 - )關于高等教育大眾化的理論在我國廣泛傳播,高等教育大眾化的實踐在中國也是緊鑼密鼓。 |
It is not enough for “ trow theory “ to use only quantity ? ? gross enrollment ratio of higher education to measure development ; what ' s more , it is misleading “特羅理論”僅用高等教育毛入學率一個數量指標來衡量發展,是不充分的,甚至是“誤導的” 。 |
Marry , i trow not ! 老天爺,我才不信呢! ” |