
tropical adj.1.熱帶(地區)的,回歸線下的。2.非常熱的;熱...

tropical cyclone

Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries 眼疾在一些熱帶國家很普遍。

A the effects of the tropical cyclone on hong kong A該熱帶氣旋對香港造成的影響

Tropical cyclone warning system and signals databae 熱帶氣旋警告系統及信號資料庫

1 . tropical cyclone warning signal no . 8 or above 1 .八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號

This drink is made from four tropical fruits 這種飲料是用四種熱帶水果做成的。

Tropical storm warning is up for the bahamas 巴哈馬群島已發布了熱帶風暴警報。

Journal of south china university of tropical agriculture 華南熱帶農業大學學報

Names of tropical cyclones in the western north pacific 北太平洋西部熱帶氣旋名稱

We ' ve had tropical weather for the past few days 我們過去幾天遇上了酷熱的天氣。

Tropical cyclone warning system and signalsdatabase 熱帶氣旋警告系統及信號資料庫

General situation of machinery for tropical crops in 2005年熱帶作物機械基本情況

We all languished in the tropical climate 在熱帶氣候中我們全都變得有氣無力了。

For the tropical treatment of superficial eye infections 局部治療表面的眼部感染

Tropical cyclone warning bulletin for local public 最新熱帶氣旋警告本港地區

Hurricanes, too might come in september and october and even in early november and there could be freak tropical storms any time from june on . 也有的時候,九、十月份,甚至十一月份頭上還刮颶風;反正,從六月份起,說不準什么時候都會驟然刮起反常的熱帶風暴。

The arguments against huntington are telling, but the fact remains that no tropical country in modern times has achieved a high state of economic development . 反對亨廷頓的意見是言之成理的,但事實上,迄今確實沒有一個熱帶國家已達到高水平的經濟發展。

It was the islands that seemed chiefly to fascinate melvilleor ratherthe whole tropical ambience of the area . 但是真正使梅爾維爾著迷的,主要還是那些島嶼,或者不如說是那個地方的整個熱帶風光。

The splashing pool and luxuriant plants and soft tropical fishy air forced moses to take a grip on himself . 噴水的池子和蒼郁的植物還有那暖洋洋的帶魚腥味的空氣,迫使赫索格要控制住自己。

I'll tell you what, a man can't do the kind of work he's capable of out in this tropical heat . 說真的,這么點活兒要在平時根本不在話下,可這熱帶的天氣就是烤得你干不了。