
troop n.1.〔pl.〕軍隊;部隊。2.(在行動中的)大群(人...

troop carrier

This officer too was separated from his troops . 這個軍官也與他原來部隊失散了。

There have been numerous troop movements . 部隊調動頻繁。

The troops went back by the same route . 隊伍從原路退回。

Meanwhile the troops had all been briefed . 與此同時,部隊全部都已接到了訓令。

The troops were stationed on a hill . 部隊駐扎在一座山上。

The airfield was seized by enemy troops . 機場被敵軍占領。

Tungpei and hsipei troops were in control at sian . 東北軍和西北軍控制了西安。

They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone . 他們正把部隊調離戰區。

The exhausted troops surrendered . 部隊人困馬乏結果投降了。

The untrained nazi troops sometimes faltered . 未經訓練的納粹兵常常不堪一擊。

The troops were ready for anything . 部隊已做好了一切準備。

The american import of troops was now beginning . 美國現在正在開始運入部隊。

The troops lined up in parade formation . 部隊排成閱兵隊形。

We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry . 我們翼側受到一隊騎兵的襲擊。

A troop of boys were playing at the edge of a pond . 一群孩子正在池邊玩耍。

The troops were now free to strike . 部隊現在可以隨意出擊了。

Halfway there he picked up 200 tungpei troops . 他在半路上帶上200名東北軍。

The morale of our troops was greatly boosted . 我軍士氣大振。

The general arrayed his troops for the battle . 將軍布置他的部下以便作戰。