
troglodyte n.(史前的)穴居人;隱居者;不喜歡與人交往的人;粗野墮...


The biggest obstacle to this reform have been the republican troglodytes in the house who want to build a fence and send america ' s 12m illegal immigrants back whence they came 此項改革的最大障礙是眾議院中的不喜歡與人交往的共和黨人,他們想筑一道圍墻,并且將美國的1200萬非法移民遣返原籍所在國。

This is the most outstanding , intact example of a troglodyte settlement in the mediterranean region , perfectly adapted to its terrain and ecosystem 馬泰拉位于意大利巴西利卡塔地區的南部,是地中海地區保存最為完好、最典型的史前穴居人定居點。