
troche n.【藥學】片劑,錠劑;糖錠。


There are two medication graduate school at present , two medication intermediate factory , one animal medicine factory , four medicine factory , a lot of medicine company , chain retail company ; there are more than 30 senior managerial person with ability , such as professor , post - doctor , doctor , master , etc . mainly produce , deal in the raw materials medicine of western medicine and big capacity injection , small capacity injection , troche , grain pharmaceutical , capsule pharmaceutical , take orally liquid , dripping eyes liquid , ointment pharmaceutical , chinese patent medicine and traditional chinese medicine sliced medicinal , etc . near ten thousands of varieties 公司擁有1000m2 , gmp精烘包車間和裝備的化驗中心, 3000m2合成車間, 800m2多功能車間, 600m3實驗室等。形成年產560噸原料藥和中間體的生產規模。公司擁有高層次科技人才十幾人,有專業從事藥物研發的化學合成制藥的教授,博士后博士碩士等,公司與中國藥科大學,上海醫藥工業研究院,華東理工大學制藥學院等長期保持良好的合作關系。

Company owns ten gmp authenticated production lines , which can manufacture various high standard pharmaceutical preparation and crude drug , such as ampoule , freeze - dried acanthopanax powder spasmolytic , injection , ii cephaloridine , granules , troche , capsule , soft capsule , eye drops 公司擁有十條通過gmp認證的生產線,可以高標準生產包括針劑、凍干粉針、注射劑、頭孢菌素類、顆粒劑、片劑、膠囊劑、軟膠囊劑、滴眼劑等在內的各種劑型和原料藥。

Follow - up visit of rheumatoid arthritis therapy with qing bi troches 清痹片治療類風濕關節炎隨訪