
trivial adj.1.瑣細的,輕微的;淺薄的,無價值的;平常的,平...

trivial pursuit

Don ' t waste your time on these trivial matters 不要把你的時間浪費在這些瑣事上。

Don ' t waste your time on these trivial things 不要把你的時間浪費在這些瑣事上。

Empty , foolish , or trivial talk ; idle chatter 閑聊空洞、愚蠢或瑣碎的談話;閑聊

Don ' t spend your time on these trivial things 不要把你的時間浪費在這些瑣事上。

Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter 這只是問題的一個次要的側面。

But he knew that a nation's honour is not a trivial matter; we had not come through the centuries to betray those who had relied on our promises . 但是他懂得國家的榮譽絕不是無足掛齒的小事;我們生存了幾百年并不是為了出賣那些信賴我們諾言的人。

In history the universal laws, which for the most part are trivial and used unconsciously, cannot possibly fulfill this function . 在歷史學中,普遍規律多半是很平常的和不自覺地被運用的,不可能起到這個作用。

The pedestrian noticed nothing just now, and a clue to her abstraction was afforded by a trivial incident . 那位徒步游人,當時是無論什么全不在意的,并且從一樁偶然的小事上,更可以看出她心不在焉的情形。

Dr. ranmsay, who was visiting bertha for some trivial ill, happened to come in when she was engaged with such thoughts . 拉姆齊大夫前來為伯莎診視某種小疾患,他進來時,正好碰到伯莎沉浸在這樣的深思中。

Their contributions were trivial compared to what the continentals were able to achieve using the analytical approach . 他們的貢獻和大陸上的人用分析方法所能得到的東西比起來是微不足道的。

For simplicity, let the plasma have only two species: ions and electron; extension to more species is trivial . 為簡單起見,假定等離子體只有兩種:離子和電子,推廣到更多種是不難的。

Today, harte is best remembered for a few poems and stories that he himself thought trivial . 今天,讀者記得哈特,主要是由于連他自己也瞧不起的那幾首詩和幾個短篇小說。

Not everything that the loan guarantee board asked us to do was trivial or unduly meddlesome . 貨款保證委員會要求我們做的事,并不完全是毫無意義的或者是故意刁難的。

The calculation of these velocity and displacement curves from the accelerogram is not a trivial matter . 要從加速度記錄計算速度和位移曲線也不是一件輕而易舉的事。

Even those regrettable types seemed trivial enough to be laughed out of sight--and forgotten . 甚至這類令人遺憾的作品也顯得無足輕重,不妨一笑置之,淡忘了事。

No doubt this was why our january agreement with japan came out so thin and trivial . 毫無疑問,這就是我們正月里同日本簽訂的協議內容這么空洞和浮泛的原因。

Mrs. peniston was a small plump woman, with a colorless skin lined with trivial wrinkles . 彭尼頓太太是位矮胖的女人,蒼白的臉龐上布滿細小的皺紋。

If the bulk of new england writing was ponderous, at least it was rarely trivial . 假使大部分新英格蘭作品沉悶乏味,那么,至少煩瑣淺薄得還不夠。

He derives pleasure from even the most trivial occupations bringing his talent into play . 只要能發揮他的才能,即使對瑣碎小事,也感到津津有味。