
tripper n.1.輕快地走[跳]的人。2.〔英口〕(當日來回的)游...


Abstract : in the light of using coal characteristic of neiyang steampowerstation , on the basis of inquiring into the dust - cleaning method , and meeting the concrete demand for running and repairing , the paper put for - ward the overall design of draft - dust in the tripper room 文摘:針對耒陽電廠用煤特點,在探討除塵方法的基礎上,結合現場對運行和檢修的具體要求,提出了翻車機室通風除塵系統的總體設計方案。

Most day trippers disembark from the ferry pier at one end of the trail , take a refreshing walk of about 1 12 hours , and then end their trip at one of the seafood restaurants at the other end before boarding the ferry for home 許多即日往返的游人會從碼頭出發,從遠足徑的一端,步行約112小時到另一端。在乘船離開前,游人多會在島上的海鮮餐館大快朵頤,盡興才踏上歸途。

Classification , requirements , constitutions and operational principle of gfci are introduced briefly . the properties and selection of the zero - phase sequcnce current transformer core and tripper for gfci are in detail described 簡要介紹了漏電開關( gfci )的分類、要求、結構及工作原理。詳細敘述了漏電開關零序電流互感器及其鐵芯,脫扣器的工作特性、材料選用。

In the evenings , the road becomes a colourful mediterranean - style promenade for islanders ; at weekends it is lively with day - trippers from all over hong kong 每到晚上,海旁一帶便會熱鬧起來,洋溢一片地中海式小島風情,而在周末及假日,更擠滿前來一日游的市區游人。

Requests for the urgent issue of an hksar passport will only be accepted in justifiable circumstances , and no priority will normally be granted to pleasure trippers 本處會考慮市民急需簽發護照的合理要求。一般而言,觀光旅游不被接納為急需簽發護照的理由。

The first e - passport and e - d i will be issued on february 22 and requests from pleasure trippers for urgent issue will not be entertained 第一本特區電子護照及電子簽證身份書將會在二月二十二日簽發,而觀光旅游不會被接納為急需簽發旅行證件的理由。

There are sweeps of lawn , shops and a park at its peak , attracting hordes of picnickers and day - trippers every day 山頂有草坪商店與公園,每天到此野餐的人很多。當日暮西沉華燈初上,夜色之中的布吉鎮更具風情。

Facilities for beachgoers and day - trippers include shops , restaurants and bars - as well as lifeguards and shark - nets 這里的設施也頗全,商店餐廳及酒吧,當然少不了的救生員及防鯊網都一應俱全。

Just over an hour by train from rome , orvieto is a popular destination for day - trippers from the capital 距羅馬坐火車僅有1個小時的路程,奧維多成了首都那些當天結束旅程游客們的首選。

These “ trippers “ were men put on during the busy and rush hours , to take a car out for one trip 這些“臨時工”是在繁忙和高峰的時候臨時來開一次電車的工人。

The tiny fishing village is not to be missed for day - trippers from lisbon 觀光的人多愛從里斯本前來作一日游。

Redesigning of elastic tripper 彈性卸料裝置的改造

The beach was packed with day trippers . 海灘上到處都是當日遠足的人。