
trinket n.(戒指等)小裝飾品,零碎小物件。n.-ry 〔集合名...


And as bryan caplan , of george mason university , points out , many trinkets and fripperies themselves provide a stream of experiences 就像喬治?梅森大學的布賴恩?卡普蘭指出的那樣,許多小玩意兒、不必要的昂貴飾品本身就提供了一連串的經歷。

According to the survey , the mostly commonly re - gifted items were decorative household items , such as vases , paintings , picture frames and other trinkets 根據調查結果,最常被轉手的禮物是家居裝飾品,如花瓶、畫、相框等小裝飾品。

According to the survey , the mostly commonly re - gifted items were decorative household items , such as vases , paintings , picture frames and other trinkets 調查顯示,最常被轉送的禮物是室內裝飾品,如花瓶、畫、相框和其它小飾品。

According to the survey , the mostly commonly re - gifted items were decorative household items , such as vases , paintings , picture frames and other trinkets 根據調查結果,最常被轉手的禮物是家居裝飾品,如花瓶畫相框等小裝飾品。

Heathcliff had opened the trinket and cast out its contents , replacing them by a black lock of his own . i twisted the two , and enclosed them together 希刺克厲夫把這小裝飾品打開了,把里面的東西扔出來,裝進他自己的一綹黑發。

In the meantime , we had found nothing of any value but the silver and the trinkets , and neither of these were in our way 就這樣,我們除了些銀子和小裝飾品外,沒有發現任何有價值的東西,就連這兩樣東西對我們來說也沒啥用場。

The open - air bazaar on marble road is near the north point mtr station and sells mainly clothing and trinkets at very reasonable prices 馬寶道露天市集就在北角地鐵站附近,以售賣服飾為主,貨品價格非常廉宜。

Carrie passed along the busy aisles , much affected by the remarkable displays of trinkets , dress goods , stationery , and jewelry 嘉莉走在熱鬧的貨架之間,被陳列的各種漂亮的首飾衣服文具和珠寶吸引住了。

Most items are no more than pretty trinkets and it s advisable to have expert guidance before splashing out on expensive pieces 若本身對玉石認識不多,在選購較昂貴的款式前宜多加考慮。

Specifically , jewelcrafting allows you to make rings , necklaces , trinkets , a few crowns , and socketable gems 重要的是,珠寶加工可以制造戒指,項鏈,飾品,少量皇冠和用于鑲嵌的寶石。

Wyatt discovers the owner of a trinket stolen from james dead body and the stage is set for the earps long - awaited revenge 懷亞特對嘉米妲產生愛慕之情,奈何她心有所屬。

Even coffee mugs , pens and other trinkets doled out by drug companies ca n ' t be accepted anymore 即使是咖啡杯,鉛筆或其他由藥廠贈送的小裝飾品也不可以再接受。

Even coffee mugs , pens and other trinkets doled out by drug companies can t be accepted anymore 即使是咖啡杯,鉛筆或其他由藥廠贈送的小裝飾品也不可以再接受。

Even coffee mugs , pens and other trinkets doled out by drug companies can ' t be accepted anymore 即使是咖啡杯,鉛筆或其他由藥廠贈送的小裝飾品也不可以再接受。

Yeah , we ' ll get over it because to dad somehow these little trinkets are important 是的,我們會克服這種感覺的,因為對爸爸來說,反正這些小裝飾品挺重要的。

Elizabeth : then release me , you have your trinket ; i ' m of no further value to you 那么就快放了我,你已經得到了那件小飾品;對你而言,我已經沒有什么價值了

Barbossa : and how does a maid come to own a trinket such as that . family heirloom , perhaps 一個女傭怎么可能有這么個小飾品的呢?難道是傳家寶

If he already blew his pvp trinket and your have a full energy stunlock ready 如果他已經用過了pvp飾品,而且你有著準備好的滿能量連續技。

Skull of guldan : this item now shares its cooldown with other similar trinkets “古爾丹之顱” :此物品現在和其他類似的飾品共享冷卻時間。