
trilogy n.(古希臘)連演的三部悲劇;三部曲。


Little did he guess when he began his original trilogy in 1977 , that 22 years later , the story would still be unfolding 當他于年開始三部曲的初創時,他一定沒有想到,在

The danzig trilogy three titles yasunari kawabata collection ten titles higashiyama kaii collection five titles 但澤三部曲3種川端康成文集10種東山魁夷美文5種

Trilogy of robust financial systems : monetary management , banking supervision and financial infrastructure 穩健金融制度的三步曲:貨幣管理銀行管理和金融基礎施設

Nor , according to the third of this convenient trilogy of papers , is a sense of fairness rooted in culture 依據這篇論文的三步曲,公平感也不是源自于文化。

Following its completion , the first trilogy will be filmed , and then finally , the last trilogy 在該片完成后,將會開拍第一個三部曲,然后,是最后的三部曲。

“ i believe that the goal ! trilogy will provide a positive message to kids around the world . 我相信《進球! 》三部曲會向世界各地的孩子們傳遞積極的信息。 ”

This is indian ' s love and marriage “ the trilogy “ : snatches the bride , the honeymoon , the marriage 這就是印地安人的婚戀“三部曲” :搶親、蜜月、結婚。

Introduction : the dawn of the new year , the industrious rooster began his busy life trilogy 新的一年到來了,勤勞的公雞也開始了他忙碌的生活三部曲。

Individuality freedom and women liberation comparison of heroes and heroines in natsume souseki ' s love trilogy 夏目漱石愛情三部曲男女人物比照

The first two films in the lord of the rings trilogy attracted more than 54 million admissions 指環王三部曲的前兩部吸引了5400多萬名觀眾。

So does the heist film ocean ' s eleven and the fantasy trilogy , the lord of the ring 強盜片海洋的十一個人和魔幻三部曲,指環王也是這樣的。

The theme of triangle relation is present throughout natsume soseki ? s early trilogy 夏目漱石的早期三部曲,始終貫穿著一個主題:三角關系。

It is part of a trilogy that salvador dali did to express how god judges people 這幅畫題為審判,是一套三張的作品,表達了神如何審判人。

Revenge of the jedi will complete the middle trilogy of the nine - part star wars epic 《絕地的復仇》將完成“星戰”九部史詩中的中三部曲。

The dawn of the new year , the industrious rooster began his busy life trilogy 新的一年到來了,勤勞的公雞也開始了他忙碌的生活三部曲。

The company ' s more recent work cursive trilogy shows the art of chinese calligraphy 而近年的“草書三部曲”表現的則是中國的書法藝術。

Sw : what are your plans for the third story in this trilogy , revenge of the jedi 你對這個三部曲中的第三部《絕地的復仇》有什么計劃?

As the second part of this trilogy it compares with the second act in a play 作為這個三部曲中的第二部,它就象一出戲劇中的第二幕。

After a detour to godfather - land , the trilogy returns to singing the undercover blues . .劉代表的香港意識陷入了前路茫茫的死角。