
triceps n.【解剖學】三頭肌。


The triceps skinfold ( tsf ) estimates the amount of body fat within 20 % and is therefore useful in determining the body ' s energy stores 三頭肌皮褶厚度( tsf )可以估計20 %之內的體脂,因此,在確定機體能量貯存方面很有用。

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching versus puncturing ashi point for delayed - onset muscle soreness in triceps surae 本體感神經肌肉易化牽伸與斜刺阿是穴治療小腿三頭肌延遲性肌肉酸痛癥的效果比較

The biceps and triceps muscles are small , and they take forever to develop , and these is most of the time the weak point of champions 二頭肌和三頭肌肌肉小,并且他們永遠需要顯現出,并且這些是多半時間弱點冠軍。

There is also a cable machine that can be adapted for training a wide range of muscles , such as biceps and triceps 還有一種繩索拉力器,經過調整后,它可以鍛煉更多部位的肌肉,如二頭肌和三頭肌。

The bench press targets the pectoral ( chest ) muscles but also makes heavy demands on the triceps and front delts 臥推主要作用在胸大肌群,不過也會使三頭跟前三角肌吃不少力。

Chandler : he could be alone . this morning i heard him do push - ups , and then talk to his triceps 他可能就一個人。今天早上我聽見他做俯臥撐,后來還跟他的三頭肌說話。

Chandler : he could be alone . this morning i heard him do push - ups , and then talk to his triceps 應該沒有吧,今天早上我聽見他做俯臥撐,后來還跟他的三頭肌說話。

The radial nerve supplies the triceps ( and arconeus ) with fibers derived primarily from c6 , 7and c8 橈神經主要接收c6 、 c7和c8纖維,供應肱三頭股(和特后肌) 。

She had to concentrate on flexing her pectoral muscle , or the triceps , to power the arm 為了給手臂提供力量,她不得不用力伸縮她的胸肌或者三頭肌。

Train pectorals , triceps , frontal deltoids . develop upper body , improve body shape 練習胸大肌,肱三頭肌,三角肌前部。發展上肢肌肉,改善形體。

Ben : your triceps are getting pretty big . and your pectorals ~ girls love big pectorals 你的三角肌真的變大羅!還有你的胸肌,女人最愛大胸肌了

Triceps press - down 肱三頭肌下壓

Joe : yes , i ' ll do it daily and i have to work on my abs and triceps , too 我知道了,我會每天做!另外我也要訓練我的腹肌與三頭肌!

Lying barbell triceps extension 仰臥杠鈴臂屈伸

All three muscles - pecs , front delts , and triceps - act to lift the bar 以上這三個肌群參與臥推的運動。

Train triceps , avoid loose , flabby upper arm . improve muscle tone 練習肱三頭肌,防止上臂肌肉松弛。

But , our jaejoong love his triceps than the others ( hoho ) 但是我們的在中最喜歡他的三頭肌(呵呵) 。