
tremble vi.1.發抖,打顫;(地等)震動;(樹葉等)搖晃;(聲...


The child's mouth trembled a little, he reddened, but did not answer . 孩子的嘴微微顫抖了一下,臉頓時就紅了,但是他沒有說話。

He held an egg in his hand and his hand trembled as though he were having a chill . 他手中握著一只雞蛋,那手抖得象在打冷顫。

Finally, he could stand it no longer, he stopped, his voice trembling with rage . 他終于按捺不住地停了下來,氣得聲音發顫。

The little trembling hare had confined all the day to her lurking-place . 那戰戰兢兢的小野兔,整天都一直躲在隱蔽的地方。

Trembling with fear , he threw himself down on the bed and covered his head with the quilt . 趴在床上,用被子蒙住了頭。

Yet his wife trembled and a vague but heavy fear was upon her . 而他的妻子還是發抖,有一種模糊而沉重的恐懼壓在她身上。

She sat trembling slightly, but her heart brimming with contempt . 她坐在那兒,有點哆嗦,不過心里卻一百個瞧不起他。

He heard her trembling voice uplifted in thanksgiving, and praise god . 他聽得她提高了顫抖的音調,在感謝贊美上帝。

I had steeled myself to brazen it out, though i was trembling inwardly . 我雖然內心在戰栗,但是硬著頭皮想挨過去。

His hands were trembling slightly with the first beginnings of alcoholism . 他的手有點發顫,這是酗酒的初步征兆。

They can frighten you, scramble your brains, make you tremble . 他們可以恐嚇你,打破你的腦袋,使你膽戰心驚。

The ground trembled , and suddenly a great gulf opened before us . 地面震動,突然我們面前出現了一道深溝。

He was panting a little, but he was neither shaking nor trembling now . 他有些喘,但既不打戰也不發抖了。

In her trembling voice she read to him rupert brook's sonnet . 她顫聲朗誦給他聽盧泊布魯克的十四行詩。

She turned, her big, work-worn hands trembling slightly . 她轉過身來,那雙被工作磨壞了的大手微微發抖。

Her hands trembled slightly as she reached for the instrument . 她伸出手拿樂器時,手微微有些抖動。

How have i trembled for you as i have watched your career . 我時時注意著你的經歷,我多么替你擔憂。

She considered his fear and trembling fanciful and childish . 她認為他的恐懼和顫抖是離奇和幼稚的。

She was all of a tremble . 她渾身哆嗦。