
trematode n.【動物;動物學】吸蟲網 (Trematoda) 動物...


Although parasitism by trematodes is the likeliest explanation for most outbreaks of amphibian deformities , it is certainly not the only cause and may often be abetted by additional factors 受到吸蟲寄生雖是多數兩生類畸形的最可能解釋,但絕不是唯一的原因,往往也可能受到其他因子連帶影響。

Through the bird ' s feces , trematode eggs enter the water 寄生蟲在鳥類體內成熟、繁殖, ?們的卵再經由鳥糞進入水中。

Medicine domestic animal liver piece trematode 1 intermediate 醫藥牲畜肝片吸蟲1號的中間體。

At each stage of development the trematode encounters formidable hazards . 吸蟲在發育的每一個階段,都可能遭遇到極大的風險。