
tree n.特里〔姓氏〕。

tree agate

Most trees are denuded of their leaves in winter . 許多樹木冬季都要落葉。

The wind dismantled the trees of their leaves .. 風把樹上的葉子吹個精光。

A tree is a connected graph with no cycles . 一個樹是一個沒有圈的連通圖。

The typhoon prostrated hundreds of trees . 臺風吹倒了數百棵樹。

Do n't cut down the tree that gives you shade .. 不要忘恩負義。

The fruit tree fruits in late summer . 這種果樹在每年夏末結果。

The car was pinned under a fallen tree . 汽車被倒下的樹壓住了。

The elephant smashed through the trees . 大象在樹林中橫沖直撞。

Beyond those trees you 'll find his house . 在樹林那邊,你將找到他的家。

Her car ran off the road and hit a tree . 她的車離開馬路,撞在一棵樹上。

Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger . 螞蟻緣槐夸大國。

A dark mass of trees loomed in the distance ... 遠處是一片黑糊糊的樹林。

The path led through the trees to the river . 那條小路穿過樹林通向河邊。

The wind divested the trees of their leaves . 風吹光了樹的葉子。

The plane had cracked up in the heavy trees . 飛機在密林中撞毀。

The branches of the trees are swaying in the wind . 樹枝在風中來回晃悠。

Count and see how many trees there are in a row . 數數看一行有多少棵樹。

From whence they went to the fatal tree . 從那里他們走上絞刑架。

By nature trees do rot when they are grown . 樹長大了自然要腐朽。