
tenement n.1.占有[保有,享有]物(土地、房屋、爵位等);租用...


A rates payment reduction of up to $ 2 , 000 for each rateable tenement . about 840 000 ratepayers will pay no rates in 2002 在二零零二年,約有八十四萬名原本須繳納差餉的市民可完全免納差餉。

You can be together landlord , tenement , him organization to rent a contract to undertake changing to the building 你可以將房東、租戶、自己組織在一起對房屋租賃合同進行更改。

The buildings department conducts regular clearances of unauthorised structures built on rooftops of tenement buildings 屋宇署經常采取行動,清拆舊樓天臺的違例搭建物。

Rooftop structures , often unauthorised , have been built on the rooftops of tenement buildings in the urban areas 天臺搭建物通常是在市區樓宇天臺搭建的違例建筑物。

Whither will that spirit - now struggling to quit its material tenement - flit when at length released 此刻,靈魂正掙扎著脫離物質的軀殼,一旦解脫,將會到哪里去呢? ”

The residents lived in hastily erected tenement buildings in between factories and slaughterhouses 這些居民的住所就是在工廠和屠宰場之間倉促修建起來的廉價公寓樓。

They did not want to call them tenements , so they called them apartment buildings instead 他們不愿意再把他們的住所稱之為廉價公寓了,而是換成了公寓樓來稱呼。

They crowded into tenement buildings , and found a living in factories or as street peddlers 他們擠在廉價的出租屋里過夜,在工廠勞動或在街頭以販賣謀生。

They crowded into tenement buildings , and found a living in factories or street peddlers 他們擠在廉價的出租屋里過夜,在工廠勞動或在街頭販賣謀生。

Being a four - storey building , lui seng chun is a typical “ kee - lau “ or “ tong - lau “ chinese tenement 雷生春樓高四層,為典型的騎樓(或稱唐樓) 。

They did not want to call them tenements , so they called them apartment buildings instead 他們不想稱之為廉價公寓,所以,他們用公寓大樓來代替。

Cleaning some 100 hygiene black spots such as back lanes and canopies of older tenement buildings 清理約100個?生黑點,如后巷及舊式唐樓的檐篷;

They did not want to call them tenements , so they called them apartment buildings instead 他們不想叫自己的住宅是廉價分租房,而是稱他們為公寓。

B non - domestic property - online submit a form r1a requisition for particulars of tenements B非住宅物業網上遞交表格r1a物業詳情申報表9 - 2

In the dimly lit hall of one charlestown tenement he encountered david powers 他在查爾斯敦一幢樓房的燈光暗淡的大廳里遇見了戴維?鮑爾斯。

They did not want to call them tenements , so they called them apartment buildings instead 他們不想稱它為廉價公寓,所以改稱公寓大樓。

“ the words of the prophers are written the subway walls and tenement halls . “先知者的語言,寫在地鐵的墻上,寫在廉價公寓的大廳中。

They did not want to call them tenements , so they called them apartment buildings instead 他們不愿稱它們為貧民窟,而改稱為公寓。

Messuage and tenement 院宅及物業