synch vt.,vi.synchronize 的縮略詞。
vt.,vi. synchronize 的縮略詞。 n. synchronization 的縮略詞。 “lip-synch“ 中文翻譯: vt.,vi.,n. 對口形〔使口的動作與錄音講話等的聲音一致,如電影配音等〕。 “new synch“ 中文翻譯: 新同步信號“out of synch“ 中文翻譯: 不和諧“post-synch“ 中文翻譯: vt.,vi. (為電影)后期錄音[配音]。 “automatic synch-noise suppressor“ 中文翻譯: 自動同步噪聲抑制器“flash synch socket“ 中文翻譯: 閃光同步插口“automatic synch-noise su re or“ 中文翻譯: 自動同步噪聲抑制器“f-synch forward-synchronous channel“ 中文翻譯: 前向同步信道“initial minor synch token assignment“ 中文翻譯: 初始的次同步權標指定“synchaeta pectinata“ 中文翻譯: 疣毛輪蟲“syncephalus asymmetros“ 中文翻譯: 不對稱并頭聯胎“synchaeta sp“ 中文翻譯: 三角形輪蟲“syncephalus“ 中文翻譯: 并頭聯胎“syncheilia“ 中文翻譯: 并唇畸形; 口閉鎖; 口過小“syncephalastrum racemosum“ 中文翻譯: 總狀共頭霉“syncheimadia“ 中文翻譯: 集體越冬群聚“syncephalastrum“ 中文翻譯: 并頭狀菌屬; 星珠共頭霉; 星珠霉“synchesis“ 中文翻譯: 玻璃體液化“syncephalastracede“ 中文翻譯: 星珠共頭霉科; 星珠霉科
synchondrosis |
When we keep these as our north star , as our guiding light and our foundation , society can progress , and things can change , but we won t lose direction and get out of synch with our goals and our morals . when you get out of synch you just simply get lost and who knows what will happen then . recently , i went to palm springs for a wedding 但在這些命令之前, ?吩咐了同樣重要的事,同樣真實的事,我們要明白要遵守的事,就是:除了我以外,你不可有別的神不可為自己雕刻偶像,也不可做甚么形像彷佛上天下地,和地底下水中的百物不可妄稱耶和華你神的名當記念安息日,守為圣日當孝敬父母。 |
Information technology - international standardized profiles fvt2nn - virtual terminal basic class - register of control object type definitions - fvt2116 - generalized telnet synch control object ; fvt2117 - generalized telnet signal control object ; fvt2118 - generalized telnet negotiation control object ; fvt2119 - generalized telnet subnegotiation control object 信息技術.國際標準數據區fvt2nn .虛擬終端的基本分類.控制對象類型定義寄存器.第12部分: ftv2116 .通用遠程通信網絡同步信號控制對象. ftv2117 .通用遠程通信網絡信號控制對象. ftv2118 .通用遠程通信網絡協商控制對象. ftv2119 .通用遠程通信網絡局部協商控制目 |
How do we synch our goals with our morals ? we live with love . however , i hate to be the bearer of bad news , but no matter how hard you try you won t do a perfect job 當我們為著神交付我們的目標抱負目的而努力奮斗事實上,我們不會完全成功,我們都會失敗,我們都會犯罪,我們都會令自己受傷,我們都會作令自己感到羞恥的事,我們都會作一些我們情愿它沒有發生的事。 |
It is now known that these mirror neurons , identified by italian neuroscientists in the early 1990s , are programmed to trigger a parallel response in synch with a received stimulus , leading to unconsciously imitative behaviours 眾所周知, 20世紀90年代早期意大利神經元科學家發現的這些鏡像神經元,在接收到刺激的同時會引發類似的反應,導致無意識的模仿行為。 |
Pleasure depends on external circumstances such as money , food , travel , etc . joy is independent of them for it comes from a good conscience and love of god . “ it is time for us to synch our goals , our values and our morals 事實是,我們不住在軟弱的方面被挑戰引誘,但神比我們更剛強只要定睛在?身上,只要定睛于那北斗星,知道我們的界限,我們就能成功。 |
As database connections from your database connection pool are a precious commodity , the ability to connect to your database , disconnect , and then reconnect to synch up with your database is definitely a welcomed facility 因為數據庫連接池中的數據庫連接是寶貴的資源,所以連接數據庫、斷開連接,然后重新連接以便同步數據庫,這種能力無疑是非常受歡迎的。 |
As long as the growth of subscribers is in synch with the evolution cpu power , we are confident that we can grow that cluster far above that , following the growth of subscribers 只要全球計算機cpu (以及相應所有的硬件)技術水平的發展速度能和付費玩家數量的增長速度同步提高,我們堅信我們總能設計出高于當前玩家數量負載要求的服務器系統。 |
Because of the longer timepan , george hopes to be able to revisit the characters left hanging ( in some cases , literally ) at the end of affc to keep their storylines in synch with the longer timespan of adwd 因為更長時間的跨度,喬治希望能夠重新交待下在affc結尾處懸而未說的一些角色,這樣的時間跨度可以讓故事同步繼續完整。 |
Since we even though we deleted a row , we still had to iterate over its place because the change had not taken effect yet again , because of the lack of a synch operation ,因為雖然我們刪除了一行,但是仍需迭代它存在的位置,這是由于前面的修改還未生效(另一方面,也是因為還沒有進行同步操作) 。 |
A good computer system not only needs to have speed and function . the software and hardware of the system also need to be in synch and to operate compatibly 一套優秀的計算機系統,除了計算功能與速度外,還得同時考慮整個系統各種軟硬體資源的最有效協調與運作。 |
How do we synch our goals with our needs ? we understand that the ends do not justify the means . we need a north star to fix our eyes on the bible 16世紀的圣人斐立尼利,他創立了祈禱者等級,那是僧侶的一個等級,那個詞是來自祈禱的拉丁文知道拉丁文是甚么嗎? |
One can allow clients to cache data locally when a connection is available and then reconnect to synch up changes they may have performed on the data in question 可以允許客戶機在連接可用時將數據緩存在本地,然后重新連接,以同步對數據執行的更改。 |
If you have a movie with another audio language that is already on the tracker : please upload the audio only and synch it to the movie that is allways on the tracker 如果你想上傳的片子已經有人上傳但是音軌不同,請僅僅上傳音頻文件并且和視頻同步! |
How do we synch our goals with our morals ? the end does not justify the means . we keep our eyes fixed on the north star 為要使明天的目標夢想與今天價值及道德觀念協調,我們首先要明白,目的不能為手段辯護我們需要定睛于北斗星。 |
Since 1999 until recently , the two time standards have been in close enough synch to escape any need to add a leap second , nist said 該協會說,從1999年開始到最近幾年,原子時和天文時一直處于同步狀態,所以不需要增加一個閏秒。 |
Aiming at the application sharing , it puts forward the mechanism of application synch for sharing objects based on xml event messages 對應用共享問題,提出了基于xml事件消息的共享對象的應用共享機制。 |
Excel is totally in synch with the web , helping you to communicate your ideas and interact with others more effectively Excel與web完全同步,從而可更有效地幫助您發表個人見解,并與其他人進行交流。 |
1the pitch and tooth shape of the double sided synch chronous belt are identical to those of single sided synchronous belt 1雙面同步帶的節距和形等同于單面同步帶的形和節距。 |
This year , ferrari are on different tyres to us , so their performance is not in synch with ours 今年,法拉利車隊同我們使用的輪胎不一樣,所以他們的表現并不與我們同步。 |