
symptom n.癥狀,征候;征兆。 an objective [a ...


Crises were symptoms of deeper problems which if allowed to fester would prove increasingly unmanageable . 危機只是更深刻的問題的表面癥候,這些問題如果任其發展,就會變得越來越難駕馭。

Symptoms depend partly on external conditions and may be masked by, for instance, drought or lush growth . 癥狀部分地隨外界環境條件而變化,并為某些因子,如干旱或瘋長所掩蓋。

By providing a machine with a patient 's symptoms , a doctor will be able to diagnose the nature of his illness . 通過向機器提供某個病人的癥狀,醫生就能診斷病人疾病的性質。

Emma watched her through the fluctuations of this speech, and saw no alarming symptoms of love . 愛瑪在她的這篇談話中,始終注意著她,看不出有什么了不起的愛情的征象。

Depressive disorders are a heterogeneous group of conditions that share the common symptom of dysphoric mood . 抑郁性疾患包括一組具有心情憂郁這一共同癥狀的若干情況。

For bacterial leaf spots, the classical symptoms are circular, angular, watersoaked areas on the leaves . 細菌性葉斑病的典型癥狀是葉子上出現圓斑、角斑或水浸狀葉面。

A positive response consists in the rapid precipitation of the characteristic weakness and associated symptoms . 陽性反應為迅速發生特有的無力及其有關的癥狀。

I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking : a bad temper and an enormous appetite . 戒煙者通常具有的所有癥狀我都占全了:脾氣暴躁,食欲旺盛。

There was outwardly a certain cynicism about him, a sure symptom of an inherent moral decay . 乍一看,他的確有些玩世不恭,肯定受到舊的腐朽道德的侵蝕。

The neoplasm reduces the flexibility of the wall and in this manner produces the initial symptoms . 癌腫可使管壁彈性減弱,這樣就產生了初期癥狀。

Her initial symptoms were suspicious-loss of appetite, general fatigue, and dark urine . 她最初的癥狀很值得懷疑:食欲減退、周身乏力、尿色加深。

These angry symptoms were keenly observed by maggie, and cut her to the quick . 這些激怒的征兆,麥琪都看得很清楚,而且還深深地刺痛了她的心。

Almost any of the symptoms and signs of heart disease may occur in the cardiomyopathies . 幾乎任何心臟病的癥狀和體征,均可在心肌疾病中出現。

Clinical symptoms found in young pigs suffering from choline deficiency are unthriftiness . 已發現的缺乏膽堿的幼豬的臨床癥狀是身體憔悴。

The symptoms of a country destitute of water gave food for reflection to dr. fergusson . 這干旱的種種征兆更加重了費爾久遜博士的心事。

The magnesium content of plant tissue is well correlated with the deficiency symptoms . 植物組織鎂含量與缺鎂癥狀有密切的相關性。

In my view, vietnam was not the cause of our difficulties but a symptom . 在我看來,越南并不是我們的困難的原因,而是一個征象。

The prime symptoms of disorders of the inner ear are deafness, vertigo, and tinnitus . 內耳疾病的主要癥狀是耳聾、眩暈、耳鳴。

The usual symptoms are dyspnea, and sometimes paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea . 其常見癥狀是呼吸困難,有時呈陣發性夜間呼吸困難。