
symbolize vt.用符號表示,是…的符號;象征,代表。n.-izat...


These objects symbolized the dark force which can control human 這些物品象征著能控制人類的黑暗力量

Ant - symbolizes a man of great labor , wisdom and providence 螞蟻象征兼具努力、智慧和遠見的人。

Iron was used to symbolize the strength of the couples bond 過去鐵被用來象征著夫婦間堅韌的紐帶。

Lotus flower : it symbolizes buddhism ' s eternal and happiness 蓮花:佛教永恒的美好吉祥象徵圖案。

Forgiveness does not denote cowardice rather it symbolizes bravery 寬恕體現的不是懦弱而是勇敢。

A gift of pearl is said to symbolize the love of the giver 最小的也有10毫米,大的可至17毫米。

Either that , or he just wants to symbolize 不管如何,他只想要強調. .

Why do i say this flower basket symbolizes my own life 為甚麼說這個花籃能夠代表我的人生呢

New pier signages symbolized a fresh new look for ferry services 新渡輪整裝待發迎接啟航日

It symbolizes minute investigation of a cryptic subject 它象片著研究神秘主題的每一片刻。

Dad ' s flowers symbolized his pride , and my triumph 父親的鮮花代表了他的驕傲、我的勝利。

Blue symbolizes truth , peace and cooperation 藍色代表真理和平和合作。

While holding candles symbolizing the light of hope 同修捧著象徵希望之光的蠟燭,聲祝禱

A wedding ring symbolizes the union of the two partners 結婚戒指象征著男女雙方的結合。

The blossom lotus symbolized the prospering country 以“盛開的荷花“象征欣欣向榮的祖國。

The poet has symbolized his lover with a flower 那詩人用花象徵他的愛人

Dad ' s flowers symbolized his pride , and my triumph 老爸的花象征著他的驕傲和我的成功。

In the thesis the synthetic symbol symbolizes sympathy 在論文中這個綜合符號代表同情。

Hard to symbolize christ is the solid rock 硬糖果象徵了基督是堅固磐石。