
sword n.1.劍,刀;〔軍俚〕刺刀。2.〔the sword〕...

sword arm

Sitting there, his sword pressed between his knees, hand on the hilt, he looked charged with energy . 他精神抖擻地坐在那里,兩膝夾住指揮刀,手按刀柄。

“ slash “ indicates damaging or injuring somebody or something with long swinging cuts of a knife or sword . “slash”指揮動刀劍猛砍或猛劈某人或某物。

They “traded“ violently with greeks, and so brought sword and flame upon themselves . 他們兇暴地同希臘人“貿易”,結果引起干戈,玩火自焚。

My first officer has got your sword throughout his vitals, and passed without speech . 我的大副被你的寶劍刺中要害,沒說一句話就死去了。

There are myriads of flags enough to conceal the sun , and swords are as numerous as a field of hemp . 旌旗蔽日,刀劍如麻。

As long as the youth had possession of the sword her schemes would be in vain . 只要這個青年掌握這把劍,她的計謀就將落空。

I know there is a sword above your head, and that it may fall at any moment . 我知道你頭上有一把劍,而且隨時都可能掉下來。

The possibility of losing her job hung over her like a sword of damocles all last year . 去年她一直提心吊膽生怕失去工作。

Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations . 利劍從他口中出來,可以擊殺列國。

When he was foreign minister later, he and i often crossed swords . 后來他擔任外交部長時,他同我經常要交鋒。

Well, i suppose that we that live by the sword shall perish by the sword . 依我看,操刀為生者必死在刀下。

It seemed her heart was transfixed with the swords of her dolours . 她的心似乎已經被幾把憂傷之劍刺穿了。

The chairman and i have crossed swords before over this issue . 我和主席以前曾經對這問題進行過辯論。

This sword has a history . 這劍有來歷。

Hamlet and laertes were known to excel at this sword play . 哈姆萊特和雷歐提斯兩個人都精通劍術。

He dashed the broken sword down and picked up another . 他將斷劍猛擲在地上,然后拾起另一把劍。

He drew his sword in a flash . 他霍地拔出劍來。

A sword was buckled to his side . 他腰側佩上了劍。

He struck it mightily with his sword . 他用劍猛刺。