
swiss n.1.〔sing., pl.〕瑞士(Switzerla...

swiss chard

Member of the swiss federation of private schools 瑞士私立學校聯盟成員

Lovely swiss houses grace the mountain slopes 風景迷人的瑞士和優雅的房屋坐落在山坡上。

Insurance companies swiss insurance mgmt ltd 瑞太保險管理香港有限公司

The swiss did not take part in the two world wars 這個瑞士人沒有參加過這兩次世界大戰。

He ' s got a fortune tucked away in a swiss bank account 他把一大筆錢存在瑞士銀行里了。

Can you give me 100 dollars in swiss francs 能否給我100美圓的瑞士法郎?

Swiss plugs and pah ? a problem for manufacturers 瑞士插頭和pah ?制造廠商的一個問題?

Meals in themselves . i ' ve got swiss vanilla , chocolate fudge 我有瑞士香草,巧克力糖漿

Lufthansa city centre swiss international air lines 德國漢莎旅游中心瑞士國際航空公司

Swiss vote by text for favoured capital city 瑞士首都伯爾尼的聯邦議會大樓

Superior room sino - swiss hotel , beijing airport reservation 高級房,北京國都大飯店預訂

The swiss are worried about a falling franc 瑞士民眾擔心法郎的幣值下跌。

Economy twin room swiss - bel hotel reservation 經濟雙人房,長春花園酒店預訂

We are a swiss investment company 瑞士愛格爾私有股份公司是瑞士投資公司。

Swiss post expects this trend to continue 瑞士郵政預計這種趨向還將繼續。

He has an internal clock that the swiss would envy 他有一個讓瑞士人都妒忌的生物鐘。

The fourth design was made by a swiss master 第四個方案由瑞士設計師設計。

All balance swiss chard will be cropped next week 馀下的彩虹君達菜下星期便會收割了

Is it possible that we pay you in swiss francs 我們用瑞士法郎付款行不行?