
swipe n.1.〔口語〕柄;握桿。2.(板球等的)猛打,重擊;猛...


By tim morrissey paul roos took a thinly veiled swipe at the standard of umpiring in yesterday s win over melbourne , calling the 29 每日郵件,英國- 1個小時前它是關于一個年輕婦女的夢想一件老人的

A statement released late friday by spears “ record label , jive records , said the photos were swiped from a private photo session 布蘭妮所屬的唱片公司jive發表聲明說,這些照片是偷來的。

With the swiping box office in china , the movie has become a focus in the mainland movie industry 在內地一些省份的票房更遠勝《英雄》 ,成為內地電影圈廣泛關注的《我想有個家》現象。

Get between one and its cub and it could easily rip off your head with one swipe of its giant paw 如果你不小心靠近北極熊和它的幼崽,只要它巨大的手掌那么一扇,你的腦袋和身體馬上分家。

This is our electronic punch card system . swipe your card when you get in every morning , and swipe it again when you leave 這是我們的電子刷卡系統。每天上上班要過卡,離開時也要過卡。

I also had to pass the serve to you a couple of times , because i hit a couple of net - shots when i tried to swipe 還有幾次失去發球權,因為當我試著側擊時,卻擊出了一些落網球。

Martin wells : yes , it ' s the swipe card that they use at the apartment building . for all i know , it ' s mine 馬丁威爾斯:是的,這是他們在公寓大樓用的房卡。據我所知,這是我的。

I has no money as soon as i got my wage , because i have swipe my card so many times . is it right 上個月我刷卡刷了太多次數,以至于這個月我一領到工資就沒錢了。我試試怎么譯?

Bears and other top predators swipe salmon from the water , and red - footed falcons swoop acrobatically after dragonflies 還有更多棲居在河流流域上的動物, ?們又是怎樣求生呢?

Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food , and announce that this is so no one will swipe yourgrub 在用餐前大舔特舔你的食物,并宣布這樣就沒人會“偷”吃了。

All it takes is a quick swipe of the card through a little electronic box and a signature 所有這些所需要的,就是拿著卡從一個小小的電子盒子中快速的一掃,以及一個簽名。

Raucous american voices boom across the lobby , and staff swipe - card their way through frosted glass doors 美國員工嘈雜的聲音在大廳回響,職員們在劃卡通過磨沙玻璃門。

Get between one and its cub and it could easily rip off your head with one swipe of its giant paw 路遇一只成年熊和一只幼熊,用巨爪一擊,就能輕易地將你的頭給打下來。

To determine whether the wax or paint protectant has cured enough to remove it , you can perform a “ swipe test “ 決定是否是時間該抹干時,你可以做一個“猛擊的測試” 。

During the fight , the boxer swiped the air furiously , but could not hit his opponent 譯:在比賽過程中,拳師(拳手)猛烈地對著空氣揮拳,這是不可能把對手擊倒的。

Gilberto has hit back at drogba aiming a swipe at chelsea ' s failure to win the premier league last season 吉爾博托就切爾西未能衛冕冠軍針鋒相對的回擊了德羅巴。

They would prance on their hind legs , making wild swipes in the air or tumbling over each other 它們會用后腿支撐站立起來,互相用掌猛擊,或者互相滾在一起。

As soon as it does , one swipe from the bear ' s powerful forepaw will haul the seal out onto the ice 只要海豹把頭探出來,來自熊掌的重擊就會把它掀到冰面上。

During the fight , the boxer swiped the air furiously , but could not hit his opponent 在拳擊比賽中,一名拳擊手只是兇猛地在空氣中猛擊,卻打不到他的對手。