
sweltering adj.酷熱的;使人熱得發昏的。adv.-ly


Earlier , thousands lined the mall in the sweltering heat to watch the traditional [ color = “ “ # 808000 “ “ ] trooping the colour [ / color ] , made even more special this year because of the queen ' s milestone anniversary 此前,成千上萬的人在酷暑中站在林蔭大道兩旁,觀看皇家軍隊閱兵,由于女王的80歲壽辰意義非同尋常,所以今年的閱兵儀式更為隆重。

One sweltering day , i was scooping ice cream into cones and told my four children they could “ buy “ a cone from me for a hug 有一天天氣悶熱,我將冰淇淋舀進錐筒,告訴我的四個小孩,他們可以從我這里用擁抱“購買“一筒。