
sweetness n.甜蜜;甜味,美味;甜度;新鮮;芳香;美音,佳調;可愛...


Accumulation of sugars during ripening increases sweetness 果實成熟的時候,糖份增加,果香增加。

Sweetness by itself is merely a sensation , they note 研究人員指出,甜味本身僅僅只是種感覺而已。

Meadows still smell of hay and the sweetness of cut grass 草場上散發著新草垛及新刈綠草的清香。

[ announcer ] sweetness ! aha ! he ' s too cool 斯威尼斯!啊…他真酷!

Ample in the mouth with good sweetness and youthful tannin 香甜口感與尚且年輕的單寧充盈口腔。

And there is sweetness in the laughter of all the stars 這時,所有的星星都在柔情地輕聲笑著。

He declared that the ideal of culture was sweetness and light 他宣稱理想的文化是美智的結合。

Let ' s hear it for the sweetwater rollers and sweetness 讓我們歡迎斯威沃特輪滑隊還有斯威尼斯

? now folds the lily all her sweetness up ? 百合收起花瓣

Think of the sweetness of those ruby lips 她寶石般的嘴唇會有多甜蜜。

But i heard a song of exceeding sweetness 但我聽到一曲優美動人的歌。

Meadows still smell of hay and the sweetness of cut grass 草場還彌漫著干草及刈草的芳香。

She was lost in the endless mist of vague sweetness 她消失在模糊的無邊甜柔的云霧之中。

Lets share sweetness and bitterness together 讓我們甘苦同享風雨與共!

Feelgood , voice slowed and the winneris . sweetness 勝利者是斯威尼斯!

Go sweetness ! go sweetness ! go sweetness ! go sweetness 加油,斯威尼斯!

Sweetness , you ' re so fine ! - yes , you are 斯威尼斯,你超棒! -是,超棒!

But the whole world is fond of sweetness 不過世界就是喜歡甜,所以才麻煩。

She will emanate the mild sweetness of a mother 她散發出母性的溫柔與甜蜜,