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sweet talk 甜言蜜語。

sweet toil

But maya uses tricks , magic power , oppression , sweet talk , and deception to force us to believe him . even though we will wake up eventually , what a waste it is if we fall into his trap 魔則是用詭計用神通用壓迫用甜話用欺騙,來強迫我們相信過了一會兒,我們也會醒過來,不過,這樣太可惜了!

No , “ spanking “ is what little children wants after wasting so many “ candies “ and “ sweet talks “ for so many days . . . . . from “ uncles “ , “ aunties “ , and parents ! 不, “打屁股”是說有些孩子在享受了很多美味的糖果和很長時間的大人的疼愛之后,他們想從叔叔、阿姨或者父母那里得到的! !

Sometimes we find it difficult to distinguish who is good and who is not good . it is because our mundane minds are used to sweet talk and do not use wisdom to judge 有時候我們很難分別誰好誰不好,因為我們凡夫頭腦習慣那種甜蜜的語言,沒有用智慧判斷。

Therefore or suppress their own , the best of qiao tongue capabilities , the exhaustion of sweet talk and beauty touched home first , then capture their body 所以還是壓抑自己,極盡巧舌之能事,用盡甜言蜜語,先打動美女芳心,再俘獲其身。

Many kings of old were the same . since they listened to the sweet talk of those bad ministers , their kingdoms collapsed 多數古代的國王也是一樣,因為聽奸臣的甜話,國家才敗亡。

The three sisters are captivated by soo - hyun s sweet talk and begin to put morality aside . . 三姊妹都先后被soo - hyun的甜言密語和浪漫手段迷得一陣陣置道德倫理于不顧最后. .

Watch out for rob . he ' s always using sweet talk to try to get a date 你要小心羅布,他總是在利用甜言蜜語引誘女孩子和他約會。

And . finding out that you ' ve been sweet talked by a total jerk loser 現在是你發現你被一個徹頭徹尾的混蛋的花言巧語給騙了

Save the sweet talk for later 你省省吧!

The salesman sweet talked me into buying the newest cell phone 這個推銷員用花言巧語哄我買了這部新款手機。

Don ' t let him fool you with sweet talk 不要讓他的甜言蜜語把你騙了。

Even though you don ' t sweet talk me , i still love you 雖然你不會甜言蜜語,但是我愛你。

Sweet talking to someone can make them lose their judgement 花言巧語是迷惑不了人的。

My boyfriend is a pushover for sweet talk 我的男朋友是易受甜言蜜語而被說服的人。

Save the sweet talk . 少來這一套甜言蜜語。