
sweat n.1.汗;出汗。2.水氣,氣汗。3.〔口語〕吃力的工作...

sweat blood

The cold sweat ran from my forehead: i was horrified . 我腦門上直冒冷汗,可把我嚇壞了。

A new trickle of sweat formed and rolled down his back . 他背上又沁出了汗珠,往下直淌。

The sweat tickled his face . 他的臉上流下了汗珠。

They will not take the sweat . 他們是不肯出力的。

My clothes are drenched with sweat . 衣服都溻了。

Sweat beaded on his forehead . 他的頭上冒出汗珠。

As he unlocked the door he broke into heavy sweat . 他開了鎖進去時,頓時出了一身冷汗。

He had begun to sweat heavily in the morning heat . 午前還不算熱,可是他已經汗流浹背。

His face was streaming with sweat . 他臉上淌著汗。

He galloped and swooped till he poured with sweat . 于是他縱馬飛奔,一直跑到大汗淋漓。

We will take the sweat . 我們愿意做這吃力的苦差使。

He trembled, a sweat or dew ran off his face . 他發抖,一陣汗或者汗珠從他臉上流下來。

His forehead was oozing sweat . 他的額上沁出了汗珠。

I'll start to sweat before him . 我見了他誠惶誠恐的。

Making your own beer ? it is not worth the sweat ! 你自己釀啤酒嗎?不值得費那個勁!

Why, it was nothing more or less than sweating ! 可不是,那是不折不扣的辛勤勞動呀!

They do not sweat and whine about their condition . 他們并不對他們的處境牢騷煩惱。

His face was covered with beads of sweat . 他滿臉汗珠。

Sweat was dripping from his face . 汗水從他臉上滴下來。