
swash n.1.(水的)潑散,激濺,沖刷;奔流聲;嘩啦嘩啦[水聲...

swash buckle head

When it was dark i set by my camp fire smoking , and feeling pretty well satisfied ; but by and by it got sort of lonesome , and so i went and set on the bank and listened to the current swashing along , and counted the stars and drift logs and rafts that come down , and then went to bed ; there ain t no better way to put in time when you are lonesome ; you can t stay so , you soon get over it 我便在河岸上坐下,傾聽著流水沖刷河岸聲,數數天上的星星,數數從上游漂下來的木頭和木筏子,然后去睡覺。在寂寞的時候,這是消磨時間最好的辦法了。你不會老是這樣的,你很快就會習慣的。

The forces acting on a sliding hoot , the key element of swash - plate axial piston pump . are analyzed and the formulas computing squeezing and repelling forces are derived ; the redundant squeezing force method is presented , including the selection of parts materials , squeezing force factor and the determination of geometric parameters of a sliding hoot 摘要分析了斜盤式軸向柱塞泵的關鍵摩擦副零件滑靴的受力,導出了壓緊力和分離力的計算公式;介紹了滑靴設計方法中的剩余壓緊力法,包括零件材料、壓緊力系數的選擇以及滑靴關鍵幾何參數的確定。

Kinematics of the axial piston pump with swash plate yoke ' s angle were analysed . there was a lot of analysis about relative movement between piston and cylinder block , between piston and swash plate , between slipper and swash plate . at same time , the movement simulation curves were given 對軸向柱塞泵進行運動學分析,重點是對柱塞與缸體之間,柱塞與斜盤之間以及滑靴與斜盤之間的相對運動進行分析,并且分別給出了仿真曲線; 2

With swash and rumble , the surging yangtze river pours into the gateway with great momentum . looking up towards the tops of towering precipitous mountains along the gorge , one sees from a boat only a narrow strip of clouds and sky , but under foot the river tears on violently 洶涌澎湃,奔騰咆嘯而來的長江水匯至峽口,奪門而入,氣勢十分雄偉。瞿塘峽山勢險峻,拔地擎天,船行其間仰望峰巔,云天一線,俯視長江,奔龍走虺,別有奇趣。

He swashed about cautioned though he was to maintain silence concerning his past theatrical relationships in such a self - confident manner that he was like to convince every one of his identity by mere matter of circumstantial evidence 盡管他已被警告過不要提其他以前和戲劇界的聯系,可是他那么神氣活現地走來走去,一副信心十足的樣子,單憑這些間接證據,就足以讓別人知道他吃的是哪一行飯了。

In ely place , baggot street , duke s lawn , thence through merrion green up to holles street , a swash of water running that was before bonedry and not one chair or coach or fiacre seen about but no more crack after that first 自伊利廣場巴戈特街與杜克草坪,穿過梅里翁草地,直至霍爾街。當初干涸裂,而今猛水奔流,轎子公共馬車出租小馬車,一概不見蹤影。然而最初之霹靂后,即不再聞雷聲。

This configuration is part of a larger out - of - the - box scenario focusing on creating a business - to - business communication channel between swish swash wiper company , a distribution company , and eblade , a supplier company 這種配置是大型取出即可用方案的一部分,主要集中創建swish swash wiper公司(一個分配公司)和eblade (一個供應商公司)之間的企業到企業的通信電路。

The paper analyses the stress and relative motion of piston / cylinder and swash plate / slipper matching pairs in water hydraulic pisto n pump , based on which the proper experimental research method is determined 對水壓柱塞泵柱塞、滑靴摩擦副的受力和相對運動形式進行了分析,確定了摩擦副合理的試驗研究方法。

In this article , you will use two fictional companies , the swish swash wiper company and eblade , to configure two trading partners into an integrated trading community 本文中,您將用到swish swash wiper公司和eblade這兩個虛構的公司,將兩個商業伙伴配置成為一個集成的貿易社區。

Drouet dropped in at the lodge when he went down town , and swashed around with a great air , as quincel met him 杜洛埃到市中心去時,順便到會社的支部所在地去了一下。昆塞爾見到他時,他顯出一副得意洋洋的神氣。

The following steps explain how to configure the swish swash windshield wiper company and its supplier , eblade 下列步驟說明了如何配置swish swash windshield wiper公司和它的供應商eblade 。

Only with some fonts it ' s possible to combine swash capitals with normal roman caps ( number 3 ) 只有某些特定的字體才有可能出現花式大寫與普通正體大寫的連排(圖3 ) 。

Swash capitals are mostly designed to give some extra visual pleasure to your designs 花式大寫的設計目的通常是用來為設計增添一些額外的視覺愉悅。

For swish swash using the port number you specified during installation , port 80 對于swish swash (使用安裝過程中指定的端口號,端口80 ) :

Assign a unique name to each of the participants swish swash in this case 為每個參與者分配一個唯一的名稱。 (在本實例中為swish swash ) 。

Set up the swish swash as2 packaging standard for transferring documents 為傳輸文檔設置swish swash as2封裝標準:

Use same configuration steps to configure eblade and swish swash 使用相同的配置步驟來配置eblade和swish swash 。

With the swish swash destination ip address and port number 用swish swash (目的地址)的ip地址和端口號來分配

Application of polyacrylamide complexation on self - swash dust catcher 聚丙烯酰胺復配物在自激式除塵器中的應用