
swang 〔古、方〕 swing1 的過去式。


Addressed ad no . 95 zhongshan rd . of harbin , shirble swang hotel is located at the political , economic and cultural center , adjacent to the provincial government , provincial political conference , economic & technical development zone and international conference center , 10 minutes drive to the rail station and 45 minutes to the airport 哈爾濱歲寶天鵝飯店位于哈爾濱市中山路95號,地處政治、經濟、文化中心地帶,毗鄰省政府、省政協、經濟技術開發區及國際會展中心。

Students of hong kong red swastika society tuen mun primary school swang their hands like the windmills in the che kung miu 香港紅?字會屯門?慈小學同學扮演車公廟,學生的手左右揮舞,就像廟內的風車。