
sutra n.〔梵語〕(婆羅門教,佛教等的)箴言(集);經文,經典...


The earth store bodhisattva sutra , 235 pages , 9 . 00 soft cover , 16 . 00 hard bound 也許在某一時期須要著重梵藏的典籍,可是他們卻一窩蜂涌向那個方向。

For that reason , you should all deeply believe in the shurangama sutra and shurangama mantra 各位由這一點,應該深信這個《楞嚴經》和楞嚴咒。

The adscription about words translated by meaning - taking the translation of the chinese buddhist sutra for example 以漢譯佛經中的意譯詞為例

All buddhas will add their powerful force and continuousely bless this sutra by honest speech 一切如來于此經典加其威力。以誠實言不斷加持。

Ln the sutra , 在佛經里

Now i start each day by reading from a buddhist scripture called aparimitayur sutra 現在,我以閱讀佛經《無量壽經》開始一天的生活。

Kama sutra xxx 處女138經典

The nyaya school of philosophical speculation is based on a text called the nyaya sutra 正理派的哲學思索是基于一部正理經。

At this time , with one bound , the buddhist monk jumped from the sutra depository resolutely 禪師縱身一跳,毅然從藏經閣上跳下。

The dharma flower sutra , volume ii , chapter 1 , introduction , 357 pages , 7 . 95 佛教源遠流長,經典浩若淵海,這要看你如何去領悟。

Kyabje lati rinpoche is an advanced master of the ocean of sutra and tantra teachings 拉迪仁波切是精通顯密法的一位資深大師。

A study on buddhist hermeneutics in ancient china : chinese translation of buddhist sutra 從敦煌禪籍透露出的達摩禪的真實內涵

Repentance sutra of liang wu 梁皇寶懺

The vajra sutra , 192 pages , 8 . 00 the dharani sutra , 352 pages , 12 . 00 但是尼泊爾本則完全沒有記載,可能是因某種原因被刪去。

Now , recite your sutra 現在,朗誦佛經

The avatamsaka sutra is like a giant poem because it speaks in terms of image only 形象化的語言使這部經典就象一首長詩。

103 sharing inspiring thoughts “ 25 bodhisattvas experiences “ in the surangama sutra 103分享櫥窗楞嚴經25位菩薩的體驗

However , the experiences recorded in the sutra are largely inner experiences 但經典中記載的,多數是修行內在的體驗,

Remarks : we are willing to answer friends question about diamond sutra 注:小店樂意回答朋友們任何有關金剛經的問題。