
suspenseful adj.1.猶豫不決的。2.焦急不安的。3.熱切的。4....


The party at night was bustling and creative with various games such as funny and suspenseful “ treasure hunting lover show “ and the maze of “ lover true or false “ . in the latter game , four pairs of lovers participated in three stages of tests to distinguish their true lovers from false ones . the game of “ i know your mind “ put flush on the cheeks of other four pairs of participants with questions digging into their secrets of love 今天的晚會內容可謂火爆新奇:充滿懸念搞笑的“奪寶情人秀” “真假情人”的迷魂大法,四對情人真真假假,三大游戲環節考驗真假情人: “你的心意我知道” -問題考問挖掘選手愛情秘密,讓四對參賽選手臉紅心跳“情侶qq秀” -四對選手現場搭配情侶裝斗秀, t臺演繹天橋風云“機智大比拼” -讓選手費盡心思,讓觀眾大跌眼鏡!

From the perspective of transferring of ownership , the legal nature of reservation of ownership is the transferring of property with suspenseful condition , which is juristic act of real right ; from the perspective of security for debts , it is contractual real rights for security 所有權保留制度的法律性質,從所有權移轉角度分析,為附停止條件的所有權移轉,而附停止條件的所有權移轉為物權行為;從債的擔保角度分析,為擔保物權,為一種約定的擔保物權。

The effect is almost unbearably suspenseful , leading to an explosive climax of supreme defiance and samurai swordplay , erupting from a battle of wills , called bluffs , and hotly defended honour . for connoisseurs of samurai action , harakiri is not to be missed 小林正樹在片中展示出超凡的營造氣氛手段,武打場面不多,但卻精彩絕倫仲代達矢更有著他從影以來的最佳演出。

At turns exciting , suspenseful , horrific , unexpectedly funny , and in the end , tragic , op35 ( “ beyond the veil “ ) brilliantly captures the chaos and confusion of battle 從興奮,到緊張,再到可怕,再到出乎意料的好笑,再到最后的悲劇, 《鳳凰社》第35章( “帷幔彼岸” )出色地截取了戰斗的混亂。

A lost mask goes through the suspenseful story . with clear narration and clever design , the documentary fully demonstrates the producer ' s artistic talent 以一個丟失的面具為線索,編織了一個歷史與現實交錯、表象與心理映照的復雜故事,構思巧妙,敘事清晰,表現出卓越的藝術才華。

The first is the transferring of property with suspenseful condition . this theory is popular in german , japanese and taiwan district of the prc 從所有權移轉角度分析所有權保留的性質是附停止條件的所有權移轉;從擔保的角度看所有權保留為擔保物權。

He wheeled in his pacing paused and glared at his plate . there was a suspenseful silence . “ what is this ? “ he was reaching for my poem 他走著走著轉過身停了下來,盯著他的餐盤。屋里靜悄悄的,我的心懸了起來。 “這是什么? ”他伸手去拿我的詩。

You may also enjoy suspenseful movies or books , depth psychology , or other ways of exploring or expressing deep emotions 你對懸疑小說和電影、深奧的哲學有興趣,一些探究或表達強烈情感的事物或方式也對你有吸引力。

Within the trappings of a melodramatic love story is a suspenseful narrative about a fleeing robber and his unsuspecting lover 風格粗曠凌厲,混合了心理懸疑和驚栗成分,甚至激烈如動作片。

The studios ' corporate parents would prefer it if their financial reports were a little less suspenseful 提供資金來源的合伙人如果覺得制片方財務報告比較令人放心,就會投資。

If his experiences then had been carefully recorded , it would undoubtedly have made a suspenseful and moving book . 若是把他所經歷的事實記錄下來,那就是一部充滿著大智大勇,驚心動魄的小說。