
suspect vt.1.懷疑,覺得…可疑,覺得(人、約定等)靠不住。2...


Ordinariness is his norm; what is extraordinary tends to be suspect . 他崇尚普通,對非常之舉心懷疑忌。

It's long been suspected that genes lurked behind cancer . 長期以來人們就猜測基因是癌癥的幕后操縱者。

That daring, which nobody had ever suspected in her, awoke . 誰也沒有想到的她潛伏著的膽量突然蘇醒了。

I suspect he is ill . 我感到他是病了。

Later i suspected that it was done for effect, for me . 后來我猜想他這樣做是為了面子,是為了我。

Sometimes one suspects an edge of new england humor . 有時我們猜想那是新英格蘭幽默的鋒利之處。

She suspected and feared that this defendant would fail her . 她疑心并且深怕這個被告會負心。

I have never once thought of her in the way you suspect . 我從來沒像你所懷疑的那樣有意于她。

The suspect was taken to the police station for questioning . 那個嫌疑犯被帶到警察局問話。

“how did the villains suspect me?“ i asked . “那幫壞蛋怎么會在我身上打這主意呢?”我問。

I suspect that he was lying . 我疑心他在說謊。

His statements are suspect . 他的說法令人懷疑。

She humoured the thing so well that nobody suspected her . 她敷衍得這么好,誰也不疑心她。

All his friends ceased whispering him, suspecting him . 他的朋友都不再議論他、懷疑他了。

You , i suspect , do n't care . 我想,你并不喜歡。

The statement of an interested party is naturally suspect . 當事人的陳述是當然可疑的。

You , i suspect , do n't care . 我想,你不在乎罷。

Mr. hatch had suspected mr. thompson's thoughts . 哈奇先生猜到了湯普生先生的內心活動。

She had not suspected such art of willoughby . 她以前并沒有懷疑過威洛比有狡猾的伎倆。