
susceptible adj.1.易感的,敏感的;易受影響的;易感染的,易害(...


B : older people are more susceptible to infections 老年人更易受到感染。

Males are 3 times more susceptible than women 男性的受感染機會比女性高三倍

The statement of the prisoner is not susceptible of proof 這犯人的陳述是無從證明。

Is highly susceptible to external stress . - what ? what 是很容易出事的-什么

Susceptible to a disease transmitted by inoculation 易受通過接種傳播的疾病影響的

- is highly susceptible to external stress . - what ? what -是很容易出事的-什么

The statement of the thief is not susceptible of proof 那個小偷的陳述無從證明。

Individuals with cerebral vascular disease and potential reduction in the supply of oxygen to high cerebral centers may be another group susceptible to high levels of co . 腦血管病患者和潛在性盲級腦中心供氧減小者,可能是另一類對高含量一氧化碳敏感的人。

The consolidation movement came to a halt in 1904, chiefly because about every branch of industry susceptible of combination had been combined . 合并運動在1904年暫時停頓,主要是由于幾乎每一易于合并的工業部門都已合并。

The term pseudoresistance may be applied to apparent resistance which results from transitory characters in potentially susceptible host plants . 擬抗蟲性一詞可適用于潛在感蟲寄生植物的過渡性狀所產生的表面抗性。

The elephant is not immediately susceptible to such blandishments , however , and lashes fiercely with its trunk in all directions . 然而大象不是立即會對這種誘哄產生感受的,有時竟兇狠地上下左右地甩動鼻子。

Susceptible cells, when infected at a high multiplicity of infection with virus, produce many incomplete of defective viral particles . 易感細胞感染一種能高度增殖的病毒時能產生許多不全的或缺損的病毒粒子。

Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was susceptible to a fatal virus disease , myxomatosis . 科學家們發現,這種特殊品質的兔子易患一種叫做“多發性粘液瘤”的致命病毒性疾病。

The edges of her conduct were so very clear-cut that for susceptible persons it sometimes had a knife-like effect . 她的行為總是鋒芒畢露,棱角分明,這對那些敏感的人,有時難免產生傷害感情的作用。

Recent studies suggested that erythromycin may be effective in prophylaxis against pertussis in exposed, susceptible persons . 最近的研究提示,紅霉素對暴露于百日咳的易感者,在預防上有效。

The edges of her conduct were so very clear-cut that for susceptible persons it sometimes had a knife-like effect . 她的行為總是鋒芒畢露,棱角鮮明,這對那些敏感的人,有時難免傷害感情。

In the meantime they do low-paid work and are susceptible to unemployment during recessions in the economy . 在此期間,他們只有干低工資的工作,而在經濟衰退失業來臨時又先受其害。

Several species of mammals and birds are susceptible to the disease in nature or through experimental exposure . 幾種哺乳動物和禽類在自然條件下或通過實驗性裸露對此病是易感的。

This is a fundamental unanswered question, but it is not easily susceptible to experimental investigation . 這是個帶根本性的尚未解答的問題,可是又很難用實驗來檢驗。