
survivor n.1. (災難中)未死的人,幸存者,殘存者。2.遺族;...


And many of the survivors had three or more conditions 許多幸存者甚至有三種以上并發癥。

Survivors of the crash praised god for saving them 墜機事件的幸存者贊頌上帝使他們得救。

The introduction of survivor ' s pension in america 美國遺屬金制度對我國養老保障制度的啟示

The organization was penetrated and the survivors fled 該組織遭到滲透,幸存者已逃逸了。

“ iron hand : escort the survivors to town . “鐵拳:護送生還者到達小鎮。

The survivors still need shelter from the elements 幸存者仍然需要帳篷以避免風吹雨淋。

The sole survivor of the crash was a little boy 這次撞車事故的唯一幸存者是一個小男孩。

And many of the survivors had three or more conditions 很多人患有三種甚至更多的疾病。

About a broken - down old man . is that he ' s a survivor 你唯一可以肯定的是.他是位生存者

- never leaves any survivors . - no survivors 從沒有留過活口沒有留過活口?

Assessing general maladjustment of trauma survivors with mmpi 2評估心理創傷后適應不良

One of the survivors needed plastic surgery 一名幸存者需要接受整形手術。

Never leaves any survivors . - no survivors 從沒有留過活口沒有留過活口?

Survivors of the crash praised god for saving them 墜機事件的幸存者贊頌上帝使他們得救

The survivor was adrift on a raft for six days 幸存者在筏子上漂浮了六天。

He is the only survivor of the plane crash 他是那次飛機失事唯一的幸存者。

Ptsd of survivors of tremendous explosion 特大爆炸事故幸存者創傷后應激障礙的初步研究

On the survivors ' reclusive lyrics of the southern song dynasty 論詞在宋代的傳播形式

Besides your daughter , there are no other survivors 除了你女兒,根本沒有其他生還者