surprize vt.,n.=surprise.
vt.,n. =surprise. “surpur“ 中文翻譯: 蘇爾布爾“surprisingly“ 中文翻譯: 令人驚訝地; 令人驚異的; 使人驚奇地“surpura“ 中文翻譯: 蘇爾布爾“surprising; startling“ 中文翻譯: 可驚“surquedous“ 中文翻譯: adj. 傲慢的。 “surprising water“ 中文翻譯: 潑涼水“surquedry“ 中文翻譯: n. 傲慢。 “surprising news“ 中文翻譯: 驚人的消息“surquidry“ 中文翻譯: n. 傲慢。 “surprising move or stratagem“ 中文翻譯: 奇計
surquedous |
I got over the fence , and laid me down in the shade to rest my limbs ; for i was very weary , and fell asleep : but judge you , if you can , that read my story , what a surprize i must be in , when i was wak d out of my sleep by a voice calling me by my name several times , robin , robin , robin crusoe , poor robin crusoe , where are you robin crusoe 啊,原來是它在和我說話呢!這些令人傷心的話,正是我教它說的,也是我常和它說的話。它已把這些話學得維妙維肖了,經常停在我的手指頭上,把它的嘴靠近我的臉,叫著“可憐的魯賓克羅索,你在哪兒? |
Such is the uneven state of human life : and it afforded me a great many curious speculations afterwards , when i had a little recover d my first surprize ; i consider d that this was the station of life the infinitely wise and good providence of god had determin d for me , that as i could not foresee what the ends of divine wisdom might be in all this , so i was not to dispute his sovereignty , who , as i was his creature , had an undoubted right by creation to govern and dispose of me absolutely as he thought fit ; and who , as i was a creature who had offended him , had likewise a judicial right to condemn me to what punishment he thought fit ; and that it was my part to submit to bear his indignation , because i had sinn d against him 仿佛上天認定我不足與人類為伍,不足與其他人交往似的。我當時覺得,假如我能見到一個人,對我來說不亞于死而復生,那將是上帝所能賜給我的最大的幸福,這種幸福僅次于上帝饒恕我在人間所犯的罪孽,讓我登上天堂。而現在呢,只要疑心可能會看到人,我就會不寒而栗只要見到人影,看到人在島上留下的腳印無聲無息地躺在那里,我就恨不得地上有個洞讓我鉆下去。 |
Upon this occasion of removing my ammunition , i took occasion to open the barrel of powder which i took up out of the sea , and which had been wet ; and i found that the water had penetrated about three or four inches into the powder , on every side , which caking and growing hard , had preserv d the inside like a kernel in a shell ; so that i had near sixty pound of very good powder in the center of the cask , and this was an agreeable discovery to me at that time ; so i carry d all away thither , never keeping above two or three pound of powder with me in my castle , for fear of a surprize of any kind : i also carry d thither all the lead i had belt for bullets 所以,這個缺點于我來說反而成了一個優點。我對自己的發現真是欣喜萬分,決定立刻把我所最放心不下的一部分東西搬到洞里來,特別是我的火藥庫和多余的槍支,包括兩支鳥槍和三支短槍。因為我一共有三支鳥槍和八支短槍,在城堡里留下五支短槍架在外墻洞里像大炮一樣,作戰中需要時也可隨時拿下來使用。 |
It seem d evident to me , that the visits which they thus make to this island , are not very frequent ; for it was above fifteen months before any more of them came on shore there again ; that is to say , i neither saw them , or any footsteps , or signals of them , in all that time ; for as to the rainy seasons , then they are sure not to come abroad , at least not so far ; yet all this while i liv d uncomfortably , by reason of the constant apprehensions i was in of their coming upon me by surprize ; from whence i observe , that the expectation of evil is more bitter than the suffering , especially if there is no room to shake off that expectation , or those apprehensions 看來,在雨季,他們肯定是不會出門的,至少不會跑到這么遠的地方來。然而,在這一年多中,我卻時刻擔心遭到他們的襲擊,所以日子過得很不舒暢。由此,我悟出一個道理:等待大難臨頭比遭難本身更令人痛苦,尤其是無法逃避這種災難而不得不坐等其降臨,更是無法擺脫這種擔驚受怕的恐懼。 |
He perceived the surprize , and immediately pulls a bottle out of his pocket , and gave me a dram of cordial , which he had brought on purpose for me ; after i had drank it , i sat down upon the ground ; and though it brought me to my self , yet it was a good while before i could speak a word to him 他看見我那么激動,馬上從袋里取出一個起子,把他特地為我帶來的提神酒給我喝了幾口。喝完之后,我就坐在地上。雖然這幾口酒使我清醒了過來,可是又過了好半天,才說得出話來。 |
They were so astonish d at the surprize of this , that as they told us afterwards , they resolv d to go all on board again to their ship , and let them know , that the men were all murther d , and the long - boat stav d ; accordingly they immediately launch d their boat again , and gat all of them on board 這事大大出乎他們的意料,使他們萬分驚訝。事后他們告訴我們,他們當時決定回到大船上去,告訴船上的人說,那批人都給殺光了,長艇也給鑿沉了。于是,他們馬上把小船推到水里,一起上了船。 |
I mus d for some time upon what he had said ; and found it was a very rational conclusion ; and that therefore something was to be resolv d on very speedily , as well to draw the men on board into some snare for their surprize , as to prevent their landing upon us , and destroying us ; upon this it presently occurr d to me , that in a little while the ship s crew wondring what was become of their comrades , and of the boat , would certainly come on shore in their other boat , to see for them , and that then perhaps they might come arm d , and be too strong for us ; this he allow d was rational 我對他的話沉思了一會兒,覺得他的結論很有道理,因而覺得必須迅速作出決定。一方面,可以用出其不意的辦法,把船上的那伙人引入某種圈套另一方面,得設法阻止他們上岸攻打我們,消滅我們。這時候,我立刻想到,再過一會兒,大船上的船員不見小船和他們伙伴的動靜,一定會感到奇怪那時,他們就會坐上大船上的另一只長艇上岸來找他們。 |
I that was reduced to a meer state of nature , found this to my daily discouragement , and was made more and more sensible of it every hour , even after i had got the first handful of seed - corn , which , as i have said , came up unexpectedly , and indeed to a surprize 做面包的事成了天天苦惱我的心玻而且,自從我第一次無意中發現在石壁下長出稻子和大麥,并獲得了一把糧種之后,隨著時光的流逝,我簡直無時無刻不想到做面包的事。 |
But this was not all , for now i not only had goats flesh to feed on when i pleas d , but milk too , a thing which indeed in my beginning i did not so much as think of , and which , when it came into my thoughts , was really an agreeable surprize 同時,在各圈地之間,又做了一些門使之彼此相通。這還不算,現在我不僅隨時有羊肉吃,還有羊奶喝。這在當初我根本想也沒有想到。 |
I was at first ready to sink down with the surprize . for i saw my deliverance indeed visibly put into my hands , all things easy , and a large ship just ready to carry me away whither i pleased to go 開初,這突如其來的喜事,使我幾乎暈倒在地,因為我親眼看到我脫險的事已十拿九穩,且一切順利,而且還有一艘大船可以把我送到任何我想去的地方。 |
Being on shore , the first thing they did , they ran all to their other boat , and it was easy to see that they were under a great surprize , to find her stripp d as above , of all that was in her , and a great hole in her bottom 一上岸,他們首先一起跑去看前一只小船。不難看出,當他們發現船上空空如也,船底上有一個大洞,個個都大吃一驚。 |
In a word , i turned pale , and grew sick ; and had not the old man run and fetch d me a cordial , i believe the sudden surprize of joy had overset nature , and i had dy d upon the spot 總之,我臉色蒼白,人感到非常難受。要不是他老人家急忙跑去給我拿了點提神酒來,我相信,這突如其來的驚喜,一定會使我精神失常,當場死去。 |
This was to be sure a surprize of a quite different nature from any i had met with before ; for the notions this put into my thoughts , were quite of another kind 這個意外事件與我以前碰到的任何事件完全不一樣,因而在我頭腦里所產生的反應也完全不一樣。 |