
surpass vt.超過;優于,勝過。 surpass oneself...


It greatly surpassed my utmost expectation 它遠遠超過了我的最大期望。

Ken surpasses all his classmates in reading 肯恩的閱讀優于其他的同學

Surpassing alienated confucian rites - new approaches to taoist philosophy 道家法哲學新探

How to surpass price competition of china color tv industry 中國彩電業如何超越價格競爭

Surpass - set up a bright future for broadband telecom network 共創寬帶電信網絡美好明天

Liu - yuxi , surpassing of the relegating literature tradition 劉禹錫對貶謫文學傳統的超越

Sometime in the future , he must surpass you 有朝一日,他一定會比你強的。

Surpass of the contemporary era chinese modernization theory 中國當代現代化理論的超越

You really have surpassed yourself with that outfit 你穿這身衣服更好看。

But this day it has surpassed my expectations 然而今天貴族們的熱忱仍超出了我的估計。

Manulife financial s net income surpasses cdn 1 billion 宏利金融收入凈額超逾十億加元

On defects of historical determinism and its surpassing 歷史決定論的缺陷及其超越淺析

It will surpass the cn tower in toronto by 57m 它會比位于多倫多的cn塔還高出了57米。

You really have surpassed yourself with that hat 你戴了這頂帽子更好看了。

Both entering and surpassing the amp; amp; quot; ivory tower 既要走進也要超越

Catch up with or even surpass advanced world levels 趕上或超過國際先進水平

Society capital and economic catching - up and surpassing 社會資本與經濟趕超

Cracking english is to surpass ourselves 征服英語就是超越自我,征服人生。

You seem to surpass yourself in this painting 你在這幅畫的創作上似乎超越了你自己。