
surely adv.的確,確實,無疑;必定,一定;穩當地,安全地;(...


The elation of success, which surely now flamed high in osmond . 成功的喜悅現在必然已在奧斯蒙德的心頭熊熊燃燒。

Surely one or two of them could be depended on for assistance . 他們中間準有一兩個人可以信任,會幫忙的。

Surely he will be able to find some place where she can be imprisoned . 他一定可以找個地方把她關押起來。

We would surely see to it that the military balance was maintained . 我們肯定保證要使軍事平衡得到維持。

There was surely in it a quality that was personal and heartfelt . 其中確實有一種出自心底的個人因素。

Surely you did not ! 你肯定沒做過!

This should not surely await final refinements of policy . 這當然不必一定等待政策最后修訂以后才辦。

He surely went off the deep end when he bought that restaurant . 他買下那家飯店的確太貿然行事了。

On the other hand, there is surely such a thing as untruth . 另一方面,慌言這種東西肯定是存在的。

Surely he 'll succeed . 包管他會成功的。

Reuben followed the law, and rose more slowly, yet surely . 小魯本當了律師,升得較慢,但很踏實。

Surely some degree of elasticity could be arranged . 無疑地,某種程度的伸縮余地是留得出來的。

Surely to god, nobody was going to war over a bog . 堅信誰也不愿意就一塊不毛之地打一場戰爭。

Surely he 'll come tomorrow . 明天他會來的。

Concern for fracture has surely existed back to antiquity . 有關斷裂的問題顯然要追溯到古代。

Concern for fracture has surely existed back to antiquity . 有關斷裂的問題顯然要追朔到古代。

Surely it is just as edgar snow would have wished . 可以肯定,這正是埃德加斯諾所希望的。

Surely he does not pretend to any understanding of music ! 諒他不會自以為懂得什么音樂吧。

But surely aileen needed to be looked after by someone . 但是愛玲的確需要有個人去照顧啊。