
surabaya n.蘇臘巴亞〔即泗水,印度尼西亞港市〕。


One incident worth mentioning is that the video seminar in surabaya was held in the office building of a local newspaper , the java post . when the publisher learned that supreme master ching hai was a world - renowned master , he took the initiative in offering us two conference rooms instead of one , and also assigned reporters to cover the event 值得一提的是,泗水那場講座的地點是位于爪哇新聞報社大廈之內,該報主管得知清海無上師是舉世聞名的大師后,擔心座位不足,還主動讓我們使用兩間會議廳,并派遣記者進行現場采訪。

Among the important guests who came from faraway parts of the world were mr . xiang - xing mo , chairman of the republican party in the western states of america ; mr . zhen - xi chang , chairman of the board of the paraguay cultural center ; ms . xian - nu xu jin , professor at the royal dance academy in spain ; mr . chi - kun liao , the chief editor for the china times in the u . s . a . ; mr . hong - kwang chen , the secretary general of the world cultural communication association , usa ; mr . da - min chen zhong , news columnist for the washington post , usa ; mr . priyo suwarno , journalist for the surabaya newspaper of indonesia 福爾摩沙的立委林正杰先生朱鳳芝女士代表李必賢立委代表及各界代表也到會場或致電祝賀,而遠自各國而來的貴賓如:美國共和黨美西主席莫翔興先生巴拉圭文化中心董事張振西先生西班牙皇家舞蹈學院教授許金仙女女士美國中華時報總編輯廖啟錕先生世界文化交流協會秘書長陳洪鋼先生華府新聞專欄作家陳鐘大明先生印尼泗水日報記者priyo suwarno先生。

From lianyungang , transshipped via shanghia , the cargo to europe ports such as felixstowe , antwerp , rotterdam , hamburg ; australia ports such as sydney , melbourne ; middle east ports such as dubai , bandar abbas , kuwait , bahrain , karachi , damman , doha , nhavasheva ; east america ports such as new york , savannah , norfolk ( transhipment to inland points of eastern american ) ; southeast asia ports , such as port - kelang , penang , surabaya , jakarta , bangkok , leamchabang , chittagonhg , colombo could be shipped 由連云港到上海中轉可以接轉費力克斯托、安特衛普、鹿特丹、漢堡等歐洲港口;悉尼、墨爾本、布里斯班等澳州港口;迪拜、阿巴斯、科威特、巴林、卡拉奇、達曼、多哈、孟買等中東港口;紐約、薩瓦那、諾福克(轉接其他美東內陸點)等美東港口;巴生、濱城、泗水、雅加達、曼谷、林查班、吉大、科倫坡等東南亞港口。

It had been fours years since indonesian fellow initiates the earliest ones had last seen master . this unexpected visit by master to surabaya brought tremendous delight and encouragement to fellow practitioners here . upon receiving the good news , everyone joyfully and quickly launched into preparations to welcome master 眾所周知,印尼早期同修只在四年前見到師父一面,這次師父突然恩臨泗水,給印尼的同修們帶來莫大的驚喜鼓勵,同修接獲意外的喜訊,無不歡欣鼓舞為迎接師父的到臨而迅速地準備。

Its success encouraged them to hold three subsequent seminars this year - in yodyakarta , surabaya , and bandung . on each occasion , the audiences responded warmly , and many members registered to learn the convenient method . in the following days , more people came to learn the convenient method or request initiation into the quan yin method 同修們深受鼓舞之馀,于是今年雅加達同修又先后在日惹泗水和萬隆舉辦了三場錄影帶講座,每一場都得到民眾熱烈的回響,很多來賓當場報名學習方便法,而且有更多人在日后陸續前來學習方便法或要求印心。

The inhabitants of indonesia are pure and simple , as shown by the fact that in bali and surabaya the initiation session was held on a work day , and the local practitioners rushed to their center after work in the evening , while the initiates - to - be took the day off to be initiated 在民風純樸的印尼巴里和泗水小中心,由于印心法會當天并非假日,而在法會結束后的隔天我就要離開了,當地同修為了把握難得的機會,主動提出增加翌日清晨四到七點的共修。

Thus , initiates from the surabaya center and malang an hour s drive from surabaya traveled to blitar , about four hours from surabaya . all the goods had been sent to malang a day earlier to reduce travel time as the roads to blitar were muddy and hazardous 泗水與瑪浪malang地區的同修隨即啟程前往距泗水約4小時車程的布利塔,由于通往布利塔的道路泥濘不堪,十分危險,因此所有物資皆提前一天運至瑪浪,以免在運輸的過程耽誤太多時間。

The first four - day retreat in pacet - a very nice area , up in the mountains , cool and far from the world s pollution - attracted fellow practitioners from surabaya , jakarta and bali . it so happened that the chinese and moslem new year was celebrated at the same time 來自泗水雅加達及巴里島的同修,首次聚集并于一處風光明媚清涼遠離塵囂的山區貝斯舉行禪四,同時慶祝中國新年及回教新年。

Many fellow practitioners from jakarta , malang and surabaya came and merrily joined in the preparation work . everyone , including non - initiates , was very supportive and cooperative , enabling the seminar to run smoothly 印尼同修遠從雅加達瑪浪泗水等各小中心前來共襄盛舉,所有參與工作的師兄姊們都很興奮能參與這次活動的準備工作,甚至連非同修都非常支持與合作,使得講座進行得非常順利。

These twin - engine , regional and medium - haul aircraft carry up to 311 passengers in two class configuration and 251 passengers in three class configuration . they typically fly from hong kong to destinations such as denpasar bali , cairns , and surabaya 這種雙引擎地區性中程飛機可載客至311人兩種等級客艙規格及251人三種等級客艙規格,主要飛行香港至巴厘凱恩斯及泗水等目的地的航線。

Mount semeru spews smoke in the backdrop as an indonesian farmer carries his belongings 195 km southeast of surabaya , the capital of east java , august 14 , 2004 8月14日,在印度尼西亞東爪哇省首府泗水市東南約195公里處,一名村民扛著包裹走過,遠處的塞梅魯火山噴出滾滾蘑菇云。

The next day , before master left surabaya , she squeezed in some time to visit the vegetarian house operated by the surabaya center . we are very grateful to master for her love and blessings 第二天離開泗水之前,師父抽空駐足泗水小中心主辦的素食屋,感謝師父的慈悲和加持。

I ' m based near surabaya in indonesia , but quite often travel around se asia , always with a sony icf - sw7600gr portable radio 我基本靠近印度尼西亞的蘇拉巴亞附近,但時常在東南亞周圍旅行,總帶著索尼icf - sw7600gr便攜機。

May 12 , 2000 will always bring beautiful and meaningful memories to the quan yin family in surabaya , indonesia 2000年5月12日,泗水市觀音家庭留下了美麗而有意義的回憶。

Spoken by supreme master ching hai group meditation in surabaya , indonesia , march 2 , 1993 originally in chinese 清海無上師以中文講于印尼泗水共修會1993 . 03 . 02

Spoken by supreme master ching hai group meditation , surabaya , indonesia march 19 , 1997 originally in english 清海無上師以英文講于印尼泗水共修會1997 . 3 . 19

The malaysia primary school headmaster club - nsdk branch organized a trip to surabaya , indonesia in may 2007 馬來西亞森美蘭州校長理事會泗水工作考察團。

Spoken by supreme master ching hai , group meditation , surabaya , indonesia march 19 , 1997 originally in english 清海無上師以英文講于印尼泗水共修會

Spoken by supreme master ching hai , surabaya , indonesia , march 19 , 1997 originally in english 清海無上師以英文講于印尼泗水1997 . 3 . 19