
supreme adj.最上的,最高的,極上的,無上的,非常的,極度的,...

supreme commander

A career soldier would have been nervous at going with such bad news to see the supreme commander of the nation's armed forces . 一個職業軍人帶著如此沮喪的消息去見三軍總指揮一定會感到驚慌不安的。

The exception to this is the lifetime appointment by the president of justices of the supreme court and other federal judges . 總統委任的最高法院大法官及其他聯邦法官是終身任職,不在此限。

It was the instrument of government as well as the supreme authority over the gens, the tribe, and the confederacy . 它是處理政治事物的機構,又是統馭氏族,部落和部落聯盟的最高權力機構。

In none of these cases did the supreme court deny the right of the states to regulate railroads and other corporations . 在所有這些案件中,最高法院并未否定各州有權管理鐵路和其它公司。

He and i continued in close agreement, and he gave his supreme authority to the views which i expressed . 他和我繼續保持完全一致,他對于我所發表的意見,以他個人的最高權威加以支持。

But it was, evident to me that here was an envoy from the president of supreme importance to our life . 但是,我清楚地意識到,和我們在一起的有一位對于我們生存關系重大的總統特使。

They have claimed that the cases taken up to the supreme court were not test cases as we claim they are . 他們一口咬定說,那些送進最高法院去的案件,并不是像我們所說的示范訴訟案。

Our supreme object stands before us, namely, to cleanse the soil of europe from the filthy nazi-fascist taint . 我們當前最崇高的目標就是肅清納粹法西斯在歐洲土地上留下的遺毒。

As long as the one combatant was supreme on land and the other at sea, each felt threatened and insecure . 只要交戰一方控制著大陸,另一方霸占著海洋,雙方就都會感到坐立不安。

The king, as the supreme judge, was believed to have been invested with his office and authority by zeus himself . 人們認為國王作為最高法官,其職責及權力都是宙斯親自賜予的。

Generally speaking, supreme court policy concerning state regulation was neither capricious nor reactionary . 一般說來,最高法院關于政府管理的政策,既不輕率任性,也不反動。

These fragmentary quotations show the impressions prevailing almost from hour to hour at the supreme headquarters . 這類片斷引語表明最高統帥部里幾乎每個小時所感到的印象。

The supreme commander, british or american, would therefore be placed in an impossible position . 因此,這個最高統帥,無議是英國人或美國人,都將陷于無能為力的境地。

Instead he accepted president truman's invitation to fill a vacancy on the u.s. supreme court . 然而他卻接受了杜魯門總統的邀請,去填補了美國最高法院的一個空缺。

What of the supreme measureless ordeal in which we were again irrevocably plunged ? 我們重又不可挽回地被投入最大的、無限的苦難之中,這究竟是怎樣的光景呢?

We should have given a lamp whereby men might have studied the supreme productions of the past . 我們應該提供一盞明燈,以便人們可以學習往昔的崇高成果。

The woman looked on the ground, as if she maintained her position by a supreme effort of will . 女人低頭瞅著地下,她像是盡了最大的意志才挺得住身子。

The supreme need of our time is for men to learn to live together in peace and harmony . 目前我們最迫切的需要是讓人類學習共同和平與協調一致地生活。

The woman looked on the ground, as if she maintained her position by a supreme effort of will . 女人低頭瞅著地下,像是盡了最大的意志才挺得住身子。