
suppository n.【醫學】坐藥,栓劑,塞劑。


Constipation is a problem plaguing many in western societies , with many relying on laxatives in the form of tablets , powders , suppositories or enemas . apart from the expense , laxatives can become habitual and may even be harmful over a long period of time 西方國家很多人都有便秘的困擾,需要依賴許多種瀉劑,其中有藥丸藥粉肛門塞劑或灌腸等多種劑型,不光是花費的問題,瀉劑會有習慣性,長期使用對身體是有害的。

Chinese medicines for internal use have different dose forms e . g . decoction , granule , tablet , oral mixture , pill , etc . . chinese medicines for external use also have different dose forms , e . g . plaster , ointment , suppository , liquid preparation etc . 其中內服中藥又有許多不同的劑型,例如,湯劑、沖劑、片劑、口服液和丸劑等;外用中藥也有各種不同劑型,例如,膏藥、軟膏、栓劑和洗劑等。

Medical treatments include increasing dietary fibre and liquid intake , toilet retraining and topical medications such as suppositories and cream . they aim to resolve the symptoms associated with less severe haemorrhoid 藥物治療包括局部藥物如栓劑或軟膏,另外亦需注意增加進食食物纖維及流質飲品,以及排便訓練。

Decoction , granule , tablet , oral mixture , pill , etc . . chinese medicines for external use also have different dose forms , e . g . plaster , ointment , suppository , liquid preparation etc . 其中內服中藥又有許多不同的劑型例如湯劑沖劑片劑口服液和丸劑等外用中藥也有各種不同劑型例如膏藥軟膏栓劑和洗劑等。

My throat constricted . my hands jerked instinctively toward the bulges beneath my jacket . above the stacks of hundred - dollar bills , i felt something shaped like an enormous suppository 我嗓子發緊,手不自覺地去摸索我甲克里面的硬硬的還在不。在一捆捆的鈔票上面,我感到了什么巨大的東西。

Acetaminophen is available in liquid , chewable and suppository forms for children , but it ' s often easiest to give medications in liquid form 對于小孩子來說,退熱凈有口服液,口香糖和栓劑等幾種形式選擇,但通常很容易采用溶劑的方式給小孩服藥。

For instance , note whether you should swallow it , put it under your tongue , chew it , inhale it , apply it externally , or insert it as a suppository (例如口服、含在舌下、嚼碎后吞服、噴霧吸服、外涂、肛塞等) ,不可胡亂使用。

Oral medication is the mainstay treatment , but vaginal suppositories are recommended for patients in the early stage of pregnancy 尿道刺癢不適,排尿不暢治療:口服藥物,懷孕初期以陰道塞劑代替

D : don ' t worry . here ' s a prescription . use the suppositories and laxative . the bleeding should stop in two or there days 別著急,這是您的處方。用一點坐藥和瀉藥,過兩、三天血就會止住。

Conclusion : the method is simple , reproducible and accurate to the quality control for funing suppository 結論:所建立的方法簡便,重現性好,結果準確,可做為該制劑的質量控制方法。

Don ' t worry . here ' s a prescription . use the suppositories and laxative . the bleeding should stop in two or there days 別著急,這是您的處方。用一點坐藥和瀉藥,過兩、三天血就會止住。

The clinical observation of treating cervical erosion using resombinant human interseron @ - za in suppository orm , norfloxaction and microwave 諾氟沙星配合微波治療宮頸糜爛臨床觀察

The survey on the curative effects of 298 cases of inner naevus treated by microwave theropy combined with taining suppository 微波治療內痔術后聯合太寧栓治療298例療效觀察

Study on the curative results of the treatment to patients of fever with xiaoyabdong suppository combined with physical methods 發熱患者采用消炎痛栓和物理降溫的療效觀察

Every evening you should put one suppository into the vagina after washing and continue to do so for two weeks 每天晚上洗外陰后放一顆坐藥在陰道里,持續用兩周的藥。

The analgesic effect of diclofenac sodium suppository following cesarean under local anesthetic and nursing 雙氯芬酸鈉栓對局麻下剖宮產術后疼痛的療效及護理

Study of pharmacokinetics of diclofenac sodium sustained - released suppository in chinese healthy volunteers 國產雙氯芬酸鈉緩釋栓的人體藥代動力學研究

Bioequivalence study of diclofenac sodium sustained released suppository in chinese healthy volunteers 國產雙氯芬酸鈉緩釋栓與普通栓的生物等效性

Observation of curative effect of alleviating pain after laparoscopy by diclofenac sodium suppositories 雙氯芬酸鈉栓在腹腔鏡術后鎮痛的療效觀察