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superiority complex 【心理學】優越感,優越情結。


The inner source of qu yuan ' s narcissistic personality lies in the superstition to the born hour , the inborn superiority complex which is transformed from the over - evaluation on family during the process of qu yuan ' s self - portrayal , the strong sense of pride , and the appropriately deifying self - confidence and perfectionism 屈原自戀人格的內在根源在于生辰的迷信、家庭的超值評價在屈原自我塑造過程中內化為天生的優越感、強烈的自尊心、近乎神化的自信心和完美主義的個性。

Shen cong - wen transcended his cultural inferiority complex by the way of sneering at city and beautifying countryside , established superiority complex of country - culture , and brought two contrast and interesting worlds of literature 摘要沈從文懷著對自己文化處境的失望和憤慨,通過都市嘲諷和鄉村抒情的方式實現了對自身文化自卑的超越,確立了鄉村文化的優越感,同時也正是由于這種獨特的心理動因,給中國新文學帶來了兩個相映成趣的新鮮世界。

When standing or walking , one may put his two arms on his back with one hand holding the other palm to indicate superiority complex and self - confidence 站立和走路時,雙臂背后并且用一只手握住另一只手掌,顯示的往往是一種優越感和自信心。

Another important reason is these people have an ingrained superiority complex in them 還有很重要的一點,就是這些人有一種根深蒂固的優越感。

A filthy rich person tends to have a superiority complex toward others (有錢者對他人有優越感的傾向。 )