
superficial adj.1.表面的;面積的,平方的。2.膚淺的,淺薄的,...


Superficial talking on the order language of choice question 淺談選擇題的命題語言

A superficial view on how the meaning fixes its referent 意義如何確定指稱之辯

I have only a superficial knowledge of this subject 我對這個問題僅略知皮毛

Specification for rockwell superficial hardness testers 表面洛氏硬度計技術條件

You see , people care more for superficial things 你看人們就只是喜歡表面的事情。

But now , i just know that i is how superficial 但現在,我才知道我有多么淺薄!

Metallic materials - rockwell superficial hardness test 金屬表面洛氏硬度試驗方法

This is a superficial assessment to say the least 退一步說這是一個膚淺的評價。

For the tropical treatment of superficial eye infections 局部治療表面的眼部感染

The superficial view on the social perception of journalists 淺析記者的社會知覺

A superficial comment on the internal control in the companies 淺議企業內部控制

The authoress, passing vinegary judgments on current literature, said that one famous author was obscene, another sloppy, a third superficial . 這位女作家對當代文學作了一番刻薄的評論,說某一位著名作家淫穢,另一位懶散,第三位又膚淺。

Someone with no political connections whose baggage would, at most, be subjected to a superficial search more probably no search at all . 這種人沒有政治牽連,他的行李最多只是馬馬虎虎地給檢查一下,或者很可能根本不受檢查。

Superficial abscesses regardless of cause, can be handled surgically at the proper time and in an appropriate manner . 體表的膿腫,不管其原因如何,在合適的時間和以適當的方法均可作外科處理。

At the superficial level, the answer might seem obvious: people will trade if they find it privately profitable . 從表面上看,答案似乎很明顯,如果人們發現貿易對私人有利,他們就會進行貿易。

Both sand bodies may have superficial resemblances in that both are narrow, linear, and deposited by a river . 兩種砂巖體在表面上有相似性,如它們都是河流沉積的狹窄的線狀砂體。

Her punishment accumulated; she continued to bear it, however, with a good deal of superficial fortitude . 她受的折磨日見嚴重,但她還是忍受著,表面上還是一副堅不可摧的樣子。

She told philip that his friend had no talent really; it was just flashy and superficial . 她對菲利浦說,他的朋友其實并沒有什么才華,他只是虛有其表和淺薄無知而已。

Her relation with her aunt was as superficial as that off chance lodgers who pass on the stairs . 她和姑母的關系就象同居一棟樓偶爾在樓梯上相遇的寄宿者一樣疏遠。