
sundries n.〔pl.〕雜品,雜貨;雜事;雜費;【簿】雜項。


B befor installation must check the pump and electrical engin termly , each part should faultless , inside of pump should without sundries 2在安裝前應對泵和電機進行檢查,各部分應完好無損,泵內應無雜物

Pressuremeter : check sundries in the pressuremeter assemblies , eliminate all visible sundries , and replace the assemblies 壓力表:檢查壓力表裝配件里的雜物,清除所有可見性雜物,并更換裝配件。

This model used on sundry occasions will release oxygen about 3 liters per minute , total oxygen supply greater than 30 liters 每分鐘釋放3升左右的氧,總供氧量大于30升,用于各種場合下的供氧。

Before installation should clean dust and sundries in cavity of valve and the pipeline , to avoid affect the sealing performance 安裝前應消除閥門腔內及管道內塵屑雜物,以免影響密封性能。

He was proclaiming to all and sundry . “ she was waitin for me to come back , an then that fresh guy comes buttin in 他對大家解釋道, “她在等我回來,可這個新到的家伙卻來插上一腳。

The state is responsible for the education funding , and parents are only required to pay expenses such as sundry items and books 教育經費由國家承擔,家長只須付出雜項書簿等費用。

Sales of taiwanese specialty products , crafts and other domestic products sales to staff of pastries , coffee , sundries , and gifts 販售肉類制品、鳳梨酥、罐頭等各類食品禮盒

We have duly receive your circular of may15 , with a price - list of the japanese toy and sundry enclosed therein 貴司5月15日來函及所附日本產玩具和雜貨價目單均及時收悉。

Sundries and many goods are transported to pulau ketam daily . speed boat renting services is also available Alam flora于一九九八年十二月初開始為島提供垃圾處理工作。

Now her ancestral home is throwing open its doors for all and sundry to say their marriage vows 如今,普通人便可以在王妃故居結婚,因為王妃之兄已宣布將它公開出租。

The body must be cleaned before installed and there is no dirt and sundries clinging to the body 安裝前必須清潔閥門內腔及密封面,不允許有任何雜物和污垢附著。

Adjusting public toilet plan at 1st floor , may add sundry store according to designer ' s suggestion 調整公共衛生間的大小和平面,可按照設計師的提議增加便利店。

These anchors are supported by stores offering drugs , sundries , snacks and personal services 這些錨店受到提供藥物、雜物、速食和勞務服務的眾多商店的支持。

I always quarter - deck with sundry web beforetime , i stared at screen for vanity - misty eye 曾經的我,總在萬千網站間來回游蕩,用虛無飄渺的眼神盯著屏幕。

They rowed back to port klang the second day selling crabs and buying daily sundries it return 然后,他們以輪流往返于港口售賣螃蟹與購買日常用品。

Pressure test of segmental pigging : cleanup sundries , free rust , drainage and exhaust in pipe 分段清管掃線試壓:清除管線雜物、浮銹、排水、排氣。

I have proved you in that time by sundry tests : and what have i seen and elicited 那時我在你身上做了各種實驗,我看到了什么,得出了什么啟示呢?

All and sundry 所有的人

This shop offers a special selection of jewelry , ladies daily sundries and books 從貝殼系列的飾品到文具,這里是女孩子的購物天堂。