
sunburst (云隙間)入射的陽光;〔美國〕(大鉆石周圍用小鉆石鑲成光...

sunda islands

The kpf firm is known for its modern designs that respond to community , context and environment , creating special styles that incorporate aesthetics and functionality . their projects include shanghai world financial centre , roppongi hills in tokyo , the world bank headquarters , buffalo niagara international airport , ibm headquarters and mohegan sun project sunburst in uncasville in the united states . tokyo s roppongi hills is widely recognized as a classic example of modern architecture Kpf多年來曾參與世界各地多個著名發展項目,除香港機鐵九站項目,另有上海世界金融中心東京六本木新城世界銀行總部紐約水牛城機場ibm總部及美國康州金神大賭場新境界計劃等,其中東京六本木新城,更被譽為近年現代建筑的示范作之一,進一步奠定kpf作為世界建筑翹楚的地位。

A graphic symbol whose appearance conveys information ; for example , the vertical and horizontal arrows on cursor keys that indicate the directions in which they control cursor movement , the sunburst symbol on the screen illumination control knob of an ibm3279 color display station 其外形可以傳遞某種信息的一種圖形符號,例如,指示控制光標移動方向的光標鍵上的垂直和水平箭頭, ibm3279彩色顯示站屏幕亮度控制鈕上的光芒四射的太陽符號等。

This is the “ nothing fancy “ sunrise from the atlantic ocean . i like the sunburst effect . no special filter was used to get this “ normal “ picture 這是沒什麼別致的大西洋日出照片,我喜歡陽光從云隙照射下來的效果,沒有使用特殊濾鏡而得到這張”正常”照片

David ellery , the managing director of sunburst , says their system is unique because it is odourless and does not waste anything 大衛艾勒瑞、新保思生物科技公司的總經理,說他們的系統非常獨特,因為它是無氣味的,同時不浪費任何東西。

L ' m at the sunburst 我住在新貝斯特那里

The company behind the scheme is sunburst biotechnologies 幕后的公司是新保思生物科技有限公司。

A sunburst appears in the northwest 太陽從西北方向光芒四射。 214

Nirosta steei , sunburst tower , gieaming gargoyies Nirosta塔尖,反光塔身,閃閃發光的裝飾像