
sun n.1.太陽;陽光;〔古語〕日出,日落。2.(有衛星的)...

sun belt

The sun emerges from behind the clouds . 太陽從云里露出來。

Ralph looked at the sun critically . 拉爾夫審視地看著太陽。

The sun burst through the clouds . 太陽突然從云端里露出來。

She wore a hat to keep the sun out of her eyes . 她戴一頂帽子遮陽以保護眼睛。

The frost has yielded to the sun . 霜在太陽底下開始融化了。

The sun went behind a bank of clouds . 太陽鉆到云堆里去了。

The mist melted rapidly in the morning sun . 在早晨的陽光下,薄霧渙然消散了。

He taught that the earth revolves around the sun . 他指出地球是圍繞太陽轉的。

The sun disappeared behind the clouds . 太陽躲到云層里去了。

The sun will bake it out well now, he thought . 他想:現在太陽會把它曬好了。

The sun illuminates every corner of the land . 陽光普照大地。

The wings of a crow can never cover up the sun . 烏雅的翅膀決不能遮住太陽。

The sun went in and it grew colder . 太陽進入云層而天氣轉冷。

The afternoon sun bickered through the leaves . 午后的陽光閃爍于樹葉之間。

The sun had already climbed to its zenith . 太陽已經升到當空。

The sun will swell into a red giant . 太陽將膨脹為一顆紅巨星。

Parasols are used as a protection against the sun . 陽傘是用來遮擋陽光的。

He did n't come back until the sun had set ... 他直到太陽落山以后才回來。

The sun will soon dry up the roads . 太陽很快就會把道路曬干的。