
summit n.1.頂,絕頂;最高級級位;峰會,最高級會議[會談];...


Eight of the world ' s 10 highest summits , including mt 世界八大奇跡是10座最高峰。

Decline from summit - on the artistic life of qingzhen ' s poetry 論清真詞的藝術生命

No , you need to stay focused on the summit 不,你要全身心撲在兩國首腦會議上面

Fifth g7 economic summit meeting held in tokyo 第五屆七國經濟首腦會議在東京召開

Address on the first summit on theory and practice of 理論與實踐高峰論壇上的致辭

I believe i haven ' t reached the summit of my career 我相信我還沒有達到事業的巔峰

I believe i haven “ t reached the summit of my career 我相信我還沒有達到事業的巔峰

The achievement of the 3rd sco summit meeting 第三次上海合作組織元首會議的成果

In ' 89 he took a lot of summits in south america 89年,他攀登了南美多個山峰。

I believe i haven ' t reached the summit of my career 我相信我還沒有達到事業的巔

Hemispheric summit conference on sustainable development 半球可持續發展首腦會議

I believe i have reached the summit of my career 我相信我還沒有達到事業的巔峰

Same value orientation , different life summit 同一的價值取向,不同的人生端峰。

A summit must not labor and bring forth a mouse 首腦會議一定不能費力大收效微。

The summit talks are to be broadcast around the globe 高峰會談會在全世界轉播。

It is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits of the hills that surround it except perhaps during the droughts of summer . 想要熟悉這個山谷,最好是從它四周圍那些山的山頂上往下眺覽不過也許得把夏季干旱的時節除外。

The far summit fairly smoked with frost; white vapors curled up from its white-wooded top, as from a chimney . 老遠望去,山巔伏霜如煙;白蒙蒙的煙靄,從雪白多樹的山頂上裊裊上升,仿佛從煙囪里冒出來的。

Rather than begin with ultimatums, i expressed on behalf of the president our commitment to a successful summit . 我沒有一開始就發最后通牒,而是先代表總統表示我們將致力于最高級會談的成功。

A red glow hung near the summit and an occasional minor explosion created a king-size fireworks display from the crater . 山頂附近閃爍的紅光和偶爾發生的小爆炸,構成從火山口放出的特大焰火。