
suisse n.(fem. suissesse)〔法語〕〔古語〕看門...


The hong kong monetary authority announced today 5 march 2001 that the monetary authority has granted a banking licence to hsbc bank suisse s . a . under the banking ordinance . the grant of this banking licence took effect on 2 march 2001 香港金融管理局今日年月日宣布,金融管理專員已根據銀行業條例向下簡稱授予銀行牌照,并于年月日生效。

The hong kong monetary authority announced today 27 november 2000 that the monetary authority has granted a banking licence to credit suisse under the banking ordinance . this grant of a banking licence took effect on 24 november 2000 香港金融管理局今日年月日宣布,金融管理專員已根據銀行業條例向授予銀行牌照,并于年月日生效。

Cs is a wholly owned subsidiary of credit suisse group , which is one of the largest banking groups in switzerland and ranks within the top 20 of the worlds banking groups in terms of total assets and tier one capital 是的全資附屬公司。以總資產值及第一級資本計,是瑞士最大的銀行集團之一,亦是全球最大的個銀行集團之一。

Estimates based on the projections of both cvrd and credit suisse indicate that china will produce 20 per cent more steel this year than last year , but then the rate of growth will fall to 7 per cent in 2007 and 2008 根據淡水河谷與瑞士信貸的預測,預計中國今年的鋼鐵產量將增加20 % ,但在2007和2008年,這一增幅將回落至7 % 。

Estimates based on the projections of both cvrd and credit suisse indicate that china will produce 20 per cent more steel this year than last year , but then the rate of growth will fall to 7 per cent in 2007 and 2008 根據淡水河谷與瑞士信貸的預測國中計預,今年的鋼鐵產量將增加20 % ,但在2007和2008年幅增一這,將回落至7 % 。

European universal banks such as ubs , credit suisse and deutsche bank , constrained by the lack of opportunities in their overbanked home markets , have also muscled into the american big league 風行歐洲的銀行如瑞士聯合銀行,瑞士信貸銀行以及德意志銀行,因在傾斜過度的國內市場缺少機會而被迫挺進美國大聯盟。

Indeed , in the late 1990s credit suisse was one of the first private banks to introduce “ open architecture ” , whereby customers were offered rival investment funds as well as its own 確實,在1990年代后期,瑞士信托是首批引入“開放式結構”的私有銀行之一,顧客在這里可以得到它以及它競爭對手的資金。

The hong kong monetary authority announced today tuesday that it has granted the transfer of the banking licence of credit suisse to credit suisse first boston under the banking ordinance Credit suisse first boston將更名為credit suisse香港金融管理局今日星期二宣布,已根據銀行業條例批準

For example , the case coded nc 2005 - he 4 of credit suisse first boston is a good case . offering amount is 400 million , and have 16 trenches and cap and swap in the structure 根據國外的研究,大部分的資產支持證券和住房貸款抵押支持證券采用浮動利率,信用評級為aaa級且久期( duration )較短。

Shareholders of bondsinhongkong include hsbc , citibank , deutsche bank , bnp paribas , credit suisse first boston , hang seng bank , barclays bank , bank of america and jp morgan 邦盛香港的股東包括匯豐銀行花旗銀行法國巴黎銀行瑞士信貸第一波士頓恒生銀行巴克萊銀行美國銀行及摩根大通。

Credit suisse has ordered investment bankers to cut back oncolourphotocopying , staff parties and client entertainment in anattemptto reduce the swiss bank s costbase 瑞士信貸credit suisse要求投行員工削減彩色影印員工聚會和款待客戶等項開支,力圖降低該銀行的成本基礎。

Bats trading , a one - year - old electronic market based in kansas city , has attracted investment from lehman brothers , merrill lynch , morgan stanley and credit suisse 成立一年的堪薩斯城的電子交易所? ? bats交易所,已經吸引了來自萊曼兄弟、美林、摩根士丹利和瑞信的投資。

Credit suisse has suspended a number of traders in connection with the writedown . it said they remained employees of the bank pending the outcome of a review 瑞士信貸已暫停了許多與上述減記有牽連的交易員的職務。該銀行表示,在審核結果出來之前,他們仍是自己的員工。

Nevertheless , investment bankers at deutsche and credit suisse have relied on the banks ' “ stable ” businesses , such as wealth management and private banking , to keep them afloat 但德意志銀行及瑞士信貸銀行依賴的是所謂的“穩定”業務,例如富人財富管理及私人銀行。

Roger downey , a s ? o paulo - based iron ore expert at credit suisse investment bank , shares the view that china ' s steel industry will start to temper its growth 瑞士信貸( creditsuisse )駐圣保羅的家專石礦鐵羅杰?唐尼( rogerdowney )也鋼國中同認鐵業增速將開始放緩的觀點。

Roger downey , a s ? o paulo - based iron ore expert at credit suisse investment bank , shares the view that china ' s steel industry will start to temper its growth 瑞士信貸( creditsuisse )駐圣保羅的鐵礦石專家羅杰?唐尼( rogerdowney )也認同中國鋼鐵業增速將開始放緩的觀點。

Credit suisse securities was the sole global coordinator and acted as joint book - runners with goldman sachs . piper jaffray and co . acted as a co - manager for the offering 瑞士信貸是新東方首次公開招股的唯一全球協調人,并與高盛投行一起擔任此次招股的主承銷商

In may this year , the sec had a credit suisse employee prosecuted for unlawfully disclosing information on nine transactions to pakistani investors 今年5月,美國sec還起訴一名瑞士信貸集團的人員,在總共9宗交易案中,向巴基斯坦的投資者非法透露資訊。

Fact form for patients . “ soci t suisse de g n tique m dicale , berne , switzerland , 26 november 2001 . ( courtesy of societe suisse de genetique medicale 患者的事實告知表,瑞士基因醫學會,瑞士伯恩, 2001年11月26日(瑞士基因醫學會提供。