
suffer vt.1.遭受,蒙受;經受;體驗到(痛苦等)。2.〔常與...


I suffer a malady that no balm can cure ! 可嘆的是我的病痛卻找不到香膏來治愈。

I merely told him that i suffered from nightmares . 我只告訴他我做惡夢很痛苦。

It is the ignorant who suffer . 受難的都是那些無知識的人。

Her face bore the deep imprint of suffering . 她的臉上帶著受過苦難的深深痕跡。

Leptonic probes do not suffer from this handicap . 輕子探針不會遇到這一困難。

He will suffer for his folly . 他會因自己的蠢行而受到懲罰。

I am now suffering under a very heavy disappointment . 我現在正感到非常失望。

We suffer from too much officialdom . 我們深受官僚作風之害。

We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis . 我們在金融危機中損失慘重。

How can you suffer such insolence ? 你怎能忍受這樣的侮辱呢?

We do not suffer by accident . 我們吃虧并不是由于偶然的事情。

Their health had suffered from years of want . 他們常年貧困影響了身體健康。

She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering . 她似乎對我們的痛苦幸災樂禍。

She suffered from the nameless pain of existence . 她遭受著生存的無名痛苦。

She suffered a deep wound to the head . 她摔倒了,撞破了腦袋。

Oh, how i suffered when the little boy died ! 哦,小寶貝死時我是多么心痛!

The carthaginians suffered horribly from famine . 迦太基人受盡了饑饉之苦。

He might suffer horrible cruelties . 他可能遇到可怕的殘酷待遇。

He suffered from suffusion of blood on the brain . 他患腦溢血。