
suez n.蘇伊士〔埃及港市〕。 the Suez Canal ...


Asked about the suez action of 1956 , sir frank said : here i must declare my interest . my wife is an egyptian of lebanese origin , and i am therefore prejudiced 當被問及他對1956年蘇伊士戰爭的看法時,弗朗克爵士說:在此我必須作點聲明,我的妻子是黎巴嫩裔埃及人,因而我(說話)難免會帶有偏見。

In that speech in alexandria , though , nasser chose to delve back even further into history , in a long digression on the building of the suez canal a century earlier 但是,在亞歷山大港的那次演說,納賽爾選擇的是遠遠的向回探究歷史,離題很遠地談到了早在一個世紀之前蘇伊士運河的修建。

If i am not mistaken , said he , approaching this person with his most amiable smile , you are the gentleman who so kindly volunteered to guide me at suez “我沒認錯人吧,先生, ”路路通露出一副非常討人喜歡的笑容,走過去對那個人說, “在蘇伊士很熱心地給我領路的不正是您嗎? ”

Certainly , much of mrs thatcher ' s prime ministership , particularly the retaking of the falklands in 1982 , was an essay in exorcising the demons of suez 確實,在任首相的撒切爾夫人領導下,特別是1982年重新奪回福克蘭群島,多少驅散了蘇伊士運河綜合癥這個幽靈的一些影響。

Nearly 700 000 land mines were dug up from the banks of the suez canal by the egyptians and the israelis after their brief but bitter war in october 1973 1973年10月埃及和以色列短暫而劇烈的戰爭以后,從蘇伊士運河兩岸挖掘出了將近70萬顆地雷。

Nearly 700 , 000 land mines were dug up from the banks of the suez canal by the egyptians and the israelis after their brief but bitter war in october 1973 1973年10月埃及和以色列短暫而劇烈的戰爭以后,從蘇伊士運河兩岸挖掘出了將近70萬顆地雷。

The bosses of gdf and suez have been planning the tie - up for five years , but powerful unions at gdf persuaded politicians to obstruct the deal 法國燃氣和蘇伊士集團的老板們計劃合并已經有五年了,但有力的工會組織說服政治家們阻止這一交易。

On this friday , october 9th , he noted his arrival at suez , and observed that he had as yet neither gained nor lost 他現在把到達蘇伊士的時間記在本子上,今天是10月9日,星期三,如期到達了蘇伊士,在時間上既沒提前,也沒落后。

Its harbour was a regular port of call even before 1841 . the opening of the suez canal in 1869 gave a further impetus to the growth of trade in hong kong 早在一八四一年前,香港的港口已成為來華船只寄碇和補給的理想地點。

Third comes the merger of france ' s suez with france ' s gas de france that we mentioned above at a purchase price of us $ 43 . 07 billion 三是上述2006年2月27日法國蘇伊公司并購同國的法國天然氣公司案,并購金額430 . 7億美元。

He was pleased , on the day after leaving suez , to find on deck the obliging person with whom he had walked and chatted on the quays 在甲板上,路路通又遇見在埃及碼頭上跟他談過話的那位殷勤的朋友。這當然使他很高興。

The major lesson of suez for the british was that the country would never be able to act independently of america again 對英國來說,蘇伊士運河危機最主要的一個教訓就是,這個國家將再也不能脫離美國單獨行動。

It is thirteen hundred and ten miles from suez to aden , at the other end of the red sea , and she has to take in a fresh coal supply 從蘇伊士到紅海的出口亞丁港,有一千三百一十海里,必須在這里加足燃料。 ”

I know it , sir , replied phileas fogg ; but i wish to prove , by your visa , that i came by suez . very well , sir “我知道,領事先生, ”斐利亞福克回答說, “但是,我是要用您的簽證證明我曾經路過蘇伊士。 ”

Italian bankers and politicians came out so strongly in support of enel that it is now in a stronger position to bid for suez 但由于意大利銀行界和政界的強力支持, enel在此項收購中處于有利位置。

The suez canal case was an important turn - point in the development of the relationship of british - america after the world war 摘要蘇伊士運河事件是二戰后英、美關系發展中的一個重要轉折點。

1805 ferdinand de lesseps , french diplomat and engineer , the builder of the suez canal , was born at versailles 法國外交家、工程師、負責蘇伊士運河工程的建筑師費迪南?德?雷賽布生于凡爾賽。

Suez crisis : the united kingdom and france begin bombing egypt to force the reopening of the suez canal 1956年的今天,蘇伊士運河危機:英國和法國為強迫蘇伊士運河重新開放而開始轟炸埃及。

I see how it is , said fix . you have kept london time , which is two hours behind that of suez “哦,我明白了, ”費克斯回答說, “您的表是倫敦時間,倫敦時間比蘇伊士時間差不多慢兩小時。