
sudden adj.突然的,忽然的,意想不到的,急劇的。 a sud...


Sudden rainstorms would bring the mountain torrents rushing down . 突然的暴雨會使山洪暴發。

A sudden fog came on, and she curtailed her walk . 一陣突如其來的濃霧使她縮短了散步的路程。

At least the decision won't come as a sudden shock . 至少決定公布時不會象晴天霹靂那樣突然。

It was supposed that he had had a sudden attack of faintness . 據估計,他當時突然頭暈發作。

It was a sudden transfiguration, a lifting-up of day . 那是突如其來的變形,是白晝的升華。

He has married her as the result of sudden infatuation . 他由于突如其來的迷戀而娶了她。

He made a sudden dodge aside . 他迅速閃避到一旁。

A sudden twinge of feeling brought him to a dead stop . 突然一陣內疚又使他停住了腳步。

All of a sudden she bumped down . 她突然痛哭起來。

We couldn't make any sense of his sudden outburst . 我們被他這沒頭沒腦的話給弄愣了。

The reason of her sudden displacement now appeared . 她忽然躲開的原因,現在明白了。

There was a sudden change in the weather . 天氣突變。

She had not anticipated the sudden curve of the road . 她未料到前方又來了個急轉彎。

A sudden braking tumbled him down . 急剎車使他摔倒了。

Meleager felt a sudden pang 墨勒阿格突然覺得一陣疼痛。

Philip felt on a sudden sick with fear . 菲利浦嚇壞了。

At last, a sudden recollection seemed to flash upon him . 最后,他似乎恍然大悟。

She felt a sudden pang of profound loneliness . 她突然感到一陣痛徹肺腑的寂寞感。

The sudden noise made me jump . 突然一聲響,嚇了我一跳。