
successor n.繼承人;繼任者,接班人;后繼者 (opp. pred...


When you became a teacher , he lost his successor 在你成為老師的一刻同時他也失去了接班人

I am sure that he is a reliable successor 我確信他是個可靠的接班人。

The chairman has designated christina as his successor 主席已指定克里斯蒂娜作他的繼任人

Obviously , no government can bind its successors 明顯地,沒有一個政府可以強迫其繼承者。

Will convince philix to name the boy , his successor , 就會說服腓力把那個孩子指定為繼承人

Lu xun ' s editorial firebrand and his successor sun li 魯迅的編輯薪火與其忠實的承繼者孫犁

I shall consider myself appointed your successor .如果到22點為止沒有得到您的答復

And i think it ' s about time i choose a successor 我想是時候選一個繼任者了

The question of choosing a successor has arisen 挑選后繼人的問題已經提出

I also love zuma and similar shooting - to - match - colour successors 如果您還不是會員,

This young lady is the successor to the tycoon (這位年輕女士是這位大亨的繼承人。 )

He held over until his successor was appointed 他留職到繼任者被任命時為止。

He held over until his successor was appointed 他留任到繼任者被任命時為止。

When he is ready , he will name a successor 他萬事俱備的時候就會以繼任者自居

C + + is the object - oriented successor to c 語言是具有面向對象特性的c語言的繼承者。

He has been designated as his father ' s successor 他被指定為他父親的繼承人。

You want the world to say your my successor 你想要天下人都說你是我的繼承人?

Everybody ' s always asking me who my successor will be 大家常問我接班人的問題。

Illustrious bloom ! successor to my famous brother 我那遐爾聞名的兄長的繼承人!